beta's in community tanks??

I have had a male betta in a 10 gallon tetra community tank before no problem except my Red Minor Serpae kept nipping his beautiful fins. He finally tried to hide of all places in my filter and ended up getting stuck and dieing half way up the side of the intake tube. Not till I totally dismantled my tank did I find him. :(

I have since gotten exchanged all of my "nippers" including the Serpae a lone guppy and all of my Chinese Alge Eaters which, by the way if you research them are known to become carnivorous as they get larger especially with slow moving fish (like Bettas) or small fish like neons. And my new Male Betta is doing wonderfully. Here is what I stock in my tank 20 long tank now:

6 Harlequin Rasbora
4 Neon Tetras
4 Zebra Danos
2 Peppered Cory Catfish
2 Silver Hatchetfish
1 Male Betta
1 Albino Pleco (Only about 2 inches now-LPS will take him in on trade when he gets too big -- Unless I get a bigger tank by then. ;))
1 Otocinclus Catfish (to get the places the Pleco can't get too - ;)

and for the rest of you that have seen my posts...... yes.... I got some live plants today!!! *thumbsups Just some Anacharis, but it's a start. I'll add picts to the appropriate thread later. Still have a few silks... but no more funky colors. *laughingc

Live longer --- Keep fish!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have had a male betta in a 10 gallon tetra community tank before no problem except my Red Minor Serpae kept nipping his beautiful fins. He finally tried to hide of all places in my filter and ended up getting stuck and dieing half way up the side of the intake tube. Not till I totally dismantled my tank did I find him. :(

I have since gotten exchanged all of my "nippers" including the Serpae a lone guppy and all of my Chinese Alge Eaters which, by the way if you research them are known to become carnivorous as they get larger especially with slow moving fish (like Bettas) or small fish like neons. And my new Male Betta is doing wonderfully. Here is what I stock in my tank 20 long tank now:

6 Harlequin Rasbora
4 Neon Tetras
4 Zebra Danos
2 Peppered Cory Catfish
2 Silver Hatchetfish
1 Male Betta
1 Albino Pleco (Only about 2 inches now-LPS will take him in on trade when he gets too big -- Unless I get a bigger tank by then. ;))
1 Otocinclus Catfish (to get the places the Pleco can't get too - ;)

and for the rest of you that have seen my posts...... yes.... I got some live plants today!!! *thumbsups Just some Anacharis, but it's a start. I'll add picts to the appropriate thread later. Still have a few silks... but no more funky colors. *laughingc

Live longer --- Keep fish!
Totally random OT, but Freshwatergal, have you considered getting more otos? They do better in larger groups. They're more active and playful when in bigger groups. Three would probably be just right for your setup and wouldn't add too much to your biolode (they don't count for much, which is great since they're SO adorable).


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the 5 otos in my 40 gal don't seem to play much...the smaller ones hide under a driftwood until night, and the two bigger ones just hang out on the plants =/
The 2 otos in my 10 gallon however are always active and chasing each-other playfully.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i think that's cuz they were new to the 7 otos calmed down after 1 week in my 40 gal. but for the fish few days they would always be seen schooling together. looked so nice :)

eventually i moved 2 of them to my 10 gal.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I just caught the two from the 46gal and put them in Al's Hex5. There's some wicked diatoms in there because I've been feeding him a little each day, trying to see if he'll eat, but he won't. The most he ate was one bloodworm the other day. :( But, now I don't have to worry about finding them when the time comes to tear down the 46gal! :)