Betta eating tankmates

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
Update: the betta ate another rasbora, so I put my tank divider in, but they found a way to get through. I moved the remaining two to my 47g tank and bought 6 more so they wouldn't be lonely. About an hour after I took the divider out, the betta was swimming around and displaying his fins. I think "Mr. Firecloud" just wanted his own tank all along.


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
A friend of mine who's been keeping fish much longer than I, was able to keep a male betta with a cori, a platy, a molly, and a parrot cichlid... I honestly have no idea how she did it.. But they were all just chillin together!

If you want a betta that you can keep with other fish, either go for a female betta or you could try different types of fish that swim lower to the ground.

But if you're betta is just aggressive toward EVERYTHING then the only option you probably have is to keep him alone. :/


Medium Fish
Apr 28, 2009
Pinellas Park, FL
I only keep females with other fish but you might try a bottom feeder. A rubber lip or bristle nose catfish. The won't get that big, but bigger then the betta. Even my most aggressive female got along with my bristlenose cat. As far as schooling fish go, my danios don't cause a problem but they're with the least agro of my girls.

I thought that usualy the problem was other fish nipping the betta, not the other way around. That's why I have the females, shorter fins, no nipping.

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Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
Every betta has it's own personality(just like people) especially the males. All of my males are able to get along with other fish. For a while I had my crimson veil tail(Billy) in with some neon tetras. One of the main issues is that bettas like to occupy the upper to middle section of the tank(occasionally resting on the bottom). If you have a school of fish that are constantly in his face he's bound to get aggressive. Wouldn't you feel harrassed too if a group of small children kept running in front of you or bumping into you? Tank dividers are okay but I feel they stress bettas out because they'll be constantly flaring up at the other fish. Able to see them but aren't able to actually get to them. Giving him the entire 10 gallon was a good idea. You could always try small corys. They seem to do well with bettas since they mostly occupy the lower levels of the tank.

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
I only keep females with other fish but you might try a bottom feeder. A rubber lip or bristle nose catfish. The won't get that big, but bigger then the betta. Even my most aggressive female got along with my bristlenose cat. As far as schooling fish go, my danios don't cause a problem but they're with the least agro of my girls.

I thought that usualy the problem was other fish nipping the betta, not the other way around. That's why I have the females, shorter fins, no nipping.
Actually, the algae has gotten out of control (it's even growing on the algae scrubber) so I was thinking of two or three otos. My LFS only sells common plecos (I have two taking over my 47g) and some corys, but I've seen bristlenose plecos and otos at Petsmart. If I get anything else for that tank, I'll boil some more rocks from the yard and build them a cave so they can hide.