Bizarre... mine showed no interest in any kind of algae tablet, veggie food, or even flake food, altho I have yet to drop in any peas. I'll have to try the peas sometime.
He does, however, LOVE bloodworms, frozen or freeze dried. And of course, he does reluctantly eat his betta pellets. He also seems to think that snail eyestalks are the fishy equivilant to sticks of beef jerky.
As for bettas and water current, I only have a 6 gallon and a 2 gallon Eclipse, and he's been in both... he seems to like playing in the current from the biowheel, but I suspect it's nothing as powerful as the currents you guys are talking about. He has a bit of trouble around the intake, but not since I put a sturdy plastic plant around it, which acts a bit like a betta-proof fence.
However, after reading threads like this for some time, I'm really getting the strong impression that all bettas are NOT alike. They are probably the fish with the most personality, hence, they differ in personality the most of any fish. Generalities don't apply to these guys.