Betta in community tank

Sep 8, 2005
Mr. Mellow has been in the 100 gal for two months now and is loving life. He begs every morning for his blood worms and sleeps on a sword leaf at night. He takes great delight in running under the current contrary to most bettas. He is as happy as a clam. I am glad i tried it and it worked.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
my betta is topp dogg in my tank...
he is very aware of what's going on...
i hand feed him his bloodworms...
he takes them right outta my fingies... :)

i am giving him shelled peas too...
to keep him regular...and betta flakes as well...
[he's not totally keen on those]...

he jumps in the filter flow...
and sticks himself on the water intake...
both on purpose...and he suffers no harm...

totally intelligent...and very nosey...
a superb addition to my comm. tank... :)


Small Fish
Oct 4, 2005
Vancouver, B.C.
Bizarre... mine showed no interest in any kind of algae tablet, veggie food, or even flake food, altho I have yet to drop in any peas. I'll have to try the peas sometime.

He does, however, LOVE bloodworms, frozen or freeze dried. And of course, he does reluctantly eat his betta pellets. He also seems to think that snail eyestalks are the fishy equivilant to sticks of beef jerky.

As for bettas and water current, I only have a 6 gallon and a 2 gallon Eclipse, and he's been in both... he seems to like playing in the current from the biowheel, but I suspect it's nothing as powerful as the currents you guys are talking about. He has a bit of trouble around the intake, but not since I put a sturdy plastic plant around it, which acts a bit like a betta-proof fence.

However, after reading threads like this for some time, I'm really getting the strong impression that all bettas are NOT alike. They are probably the fish with the most personality, hence, they differ in personality the most of any fish. Generalities don't apply to these guys.

Sep 8, 2005
It truly depends on the betta's personality and the type of community tank he is going into. My concern was for my other fish as my tank is all wussies. Guppies, platies, swordtails, neons, etc.. So it worked for me. The next betta will probably be entirely different. And that is the way it goes.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
prettypleco said:
It truly depends on the betta's personality and the type of community tank he is going into. My concern was for my other fish as my tank is all wussies. Guppies, platies, swordtails, neons, etc.. So it worked for me. The next betta will probably be entirely different. And that is the way it goes.
hey there...i thought i my guy was safe...
as i had gathered a wussie community too...

then i got a territorial species that turned nasty... :(

if i can bring myself to do betta again...
it'll be solo with a snail...
[i wish i'd done that for red...i really do...]


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2004
Northern Michigan
Visit site
I have tried several variations of keeping bettas with community fish. Bettas do not like gouramis or black ruby barbs from my experience. I often find however that the compatability of the betta isnt limited by the bettas aggression, but by the aggression of others. I think it was my killis that decided to tear my year old bettas fins. That betta died off later on. The bettas intimidate other fish but dont have a deadly bite. If the opposing fish arent intimidated, then they may tear his fins.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Swordtail8 said:
I have tried several variations of keeping bettas with community fish. Bettas do not like gouramis or black ruby barbs from my experience. I often find however that the compatability of the betta isnt limited by the bettas aggression, but by the aggression of others. I think it was my killis that decided to tear my year old bettas fins. That betta died off later on. The bettas intimidate other fish but dont have a deadly bite. If the opposing fish arent intimidated, then they may tear his fins.
this is how i lost my betta...gourami attack...
my dude was cool...the dwarf gourami was the aggressor ... :(