Betta info needed.

Dec 20, 2009
I'm moving out of my house for a couple of weeks, and I have too leave my main tank behind(no worries I have people watching it). Just so I don't go crazy I was thinking about getting a betta, just somthing I can feed daily and is easy to move and maintain. Unfortunatly I have no idea of the types of betta fish and to find lists online is impossible unless I was doing something wrong. Anyways I was wondering if anyone could give me a small list of types of betta or a link to a online list. If this helps in any of your replys I really want one of those betta that when people walk up to the tank they poop themselvs a little. lol. Also do betta need filtration or a heater? Because at my LFS they just have them sitting in little tiny cups no filtration and no heater.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Bettas absolutely need a filtered and heated tank! Bettas are tropical fish and the way they are kept at the store is barbaric and is not a proper way to care for a living animal. I recommend keeping a betta in a tank no smaller than 5 gallons. Also, make sure your tank is cycled for your betta. You can seed the tank with filter pads or plant clippings or gravel from your 28 gallon, assuming it is cycled.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Agreed with above ^

NEVER use the way they're kept in stores as a example of how they should be kept. Filtration and a heater are a must.

Luckily none of my LFS keep them in those horrible little cups, but keep single males in display tanks with other fish.

As for types, none of the bettas you're likely to find are different "species", it's more a case of what colour and finnage you want. But personally I'd suggest reading up on the basics of fishkeeping first, no fish can be kept in a cup no matter what you're LFS does. It's a cardinal rule in most cases, DO NOT TRUST YOUR LFS. ALWAYS research thoroughly before buying.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
All of the fish stores around me keep them in those terrible little cups. Some are barely 1/3 of the way full of water. Betta vases are worse, though. :(

If you are looking for a species of fish that takes no maintenance and just sits on the desk in a bowl, you should know that bettas are fish, too, and they require the same care as any other type of fish.

I'm still confused as to this: "I really want one of those betta that when people walk up to the tank they poop themselvs a little." What do you mean?

Dec 20, 2009
ok I know now that Bettas need the same tratment as other fish. I don't want a fish that will just sit there in a bowl. I have never owned a Betta, and I heard they don't need much room. I just want something that doesent require a lot of water because I need to be able to move it easly. If you guys know of something that requires less water than a Betta. Let me know it was just the only fish that came to mind.

Yeah I guess I could have been a little more descriptive about why people would be relieveing themselves. I basically was speaking of the colour and fins. I really want one that just makes people step back in awe.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
OMG, I think I just pooped myself a little - I honest-to-G-d thought you meant the fish started pooping when it saw a human!

LTBW, I don't know much about bettas yet (am thinking of eventually turning my 5g hatching tank into a betta home:) ) - but can you explain why betta vases are worse than awful plastic cups???


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
ok I know now that Bettas need the same tratment as other fish. I don't want a fish that will just sit there in a bowl. I have never owned a Betta, and I heard they don't need much room. I just want something that doesent require a lot of water because I need to be able to move it easly. If you guys know of something that requires less water than a Betta. Let me know it was just the only fish that came to mind.

Yeah I guess I could have been a little more descriptive about why people would be relieveing themselves. I basically was speaking of the colour and fins. I really want one that just makes people step back in awe.
The absolute minimum a betta should be in is a 2.5gal filtered and heated tank. That's bare minimum. I don't like having my boys in anything less than 5gals. The reason for this is that the water parameters are easier to establish and maintain in a larger tank than they are in the little tanks. I don't know of any fish that "doesn't require a lot of water". Bettas are probably the only ones that are suited to smaller tanks.

As for a betta that makes people step back in awe...every once in a while you can find on at a LFS, but not usually. The best place to find spectacular bettas is on, but be prepared to pay a MINIMUM $30 plus shipping (usually from Thailand) for a good-looking male. I did buy a GORGEOUS dark blue butterfly delta tail male today at Petco (butterfly refers to the fact that his fins are rimmed in white while his body is a solid tail is the type of tail he has). Usually most places carry your regular veiltails and crowntails. Crowntails can be spectacular (I have one little boy that is just stunning...he's dark turquoise, almost black, with turquoise and crimson fins), but you just have to be patient and not go in expecting to find something spectacular.

As far as different fin types, the most commonly sold in stores (chain stores or LFSs) are veiltails, crowntails, halfmoons, delta tails and double tails. Google those and see which fin type you like best, then find out where near you carries them. Good luck...and beware of MBS (Multiple Betta Syndrome)!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
LTBW, I don't know much about bettas yet (am thinking of eventually turning my 5g hatching tank into a betta home:) ) - but can you explain why betta vases are worse than awful plastic cups???
I'm wondering why LittleTank said this as well. The cups are at usually only temporary, that's the only thing I can think of. Unless she means the betta vases where people put a plant over the top of the vase with the roots dangling in the water so the betta can't get to the surface to breathe and they never feed the poor thing and expect it to live off the roots. Yeah, bettas are more carnivores than they are herbivores, so they can't live off roots.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
u can also buy one of the 1-2 gallon self contained betta tanks. they have filter, heater, and light build tight into them. they get all that they require and u get ur small package. win win.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Yes. I mean the betta vases that have a plant on the surface. The betta cannot reach the surface to breathe and the starving betta eats the roots in deprivation. I would never put a betta in a tank less than 3 or 5 gallons, but if you want to place it in a 1 gallon, that is your decision. A 5 gallon tank kit with a heater is about 40 bucks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have yet to see a small tank (smaller than 5gal) that comes with heater. And heaters for small tanks can get pricey, especially if you only have a 1gal. I've seen two that would work in a 1-2gal and they were both $20 or more. Add to that the $25 or so that you're going to pay for a 1-2gal tank with a REAL filter (UG filters don't count, in my opinion) and you're spending minimum $45 before you even think about gravel, plants, decorations or even the fish. You'd be better off going with a 5gal kit from Walmart for $30 that comes with everything (not sure if it comes with a heater, but you can get one at Walmart for $14) except gravel and decorations. Or keep an eye out at Goodwill and other thrift stores, as well as on Craigslist. Sometimes you can find decent tanks in those places for fairly cheap (another idea is to put a WANT ad up on Craigslist and see what kind of responses you get).


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
If you want jaw-dropping Bettas, normally you have to look on Aqubid and import them by request from Thailand.
If you want a nice looking Betta below $50 total expense then you can check LFS. Recently I notice Petco has been very good with offering interesting and vibrant stock.
Check my Petco feathertail male out:


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yeah, but aren't the WM ones 5.5gal kits that come with the heater for $45? I have never seen a 1-2gal (or even a 3gal!) that comes in a kit with a heater.

And yeah, Newman and I have both found some beauties at Petco. I just got a beautiful blue butterfly delta tail from Petco last week and my friend got me a red (marble?) feathertail there as well (feathertail is a variation of halfmoon).
My delta tail:

And my feather tail:


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Hehe...I think it was me that mentioned that about the potential cost of small tanks, littletank. :p But yeah, I thought the 5.5gal were what you meant at Walmart. Those are PERFECT for bettas, actually.

And thanks! I loves my boys!