Betta is dieing "Help"

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
My thoughts on fish euthansia is wait until there seems to be absolutely no hope. As in no swimming or eating for a prolonged period. A general wasting away is a good indicator to me that quality of life is pretty much gone. And then I use water with lots of ice in it if it comes to the pt of euthanizing. It works pretty fast. I really hope you don't have to do that! Hoping the best for you.

Last edited:
Jul 4, 2008
He's eating, he hasn't given up eating yet, but spends most of the day on a leaf. He will come to see me if I go near the aquarium, but I don't go much anymore, hate to see him like this. The bump is so big now, I just can't believe the size of this bump that keeps growing.
I always thought that the kindest way to put a fish out of his misery was to put him in a bag, with his water, and put him in the freezer. I heard that this way they just fall asleep, and die...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how I hate to think about it. Thank you for all your comments, and help