Betta Tank Pics


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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Precious, I've been thinking about upgrading and getting 2.5 minibows for my boys. Glad to know you can turn down the current on the Whisper.

My question: did you cycle the 2.5's? I know bettas are pretty hardy.

Secondly, has anyone used those little Exclipse Explorer 2's for their bettas? 2gal. What's the current like in them and can you adjust it?

Mar 11, 2003
No problem Jubilee.

Scarab- I didn't cycle my 2.5 and my bettas did just fine. However, the filter cartrage is the same as a big whisper filter's catrage, so you could switch cartrages with an established tank to get a huge head start on cycling.



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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The Exclipse Explorer 2's and mini-bow 2.5's are perfect tanks for bettas. The advantage of the 2.5's and bigger tanks is that most can be divided up so you can have 2 bettas in the same tank.

Anything from 2 t0 5 gallon is a good size, and most filters (power, UFG) are fine so long as you can adjust the flow rate on the power filter.

I would not attempt to cycle a tank under 5 gal, too little water to make any adjustments. Just do weekly 25-30% water changes, use a small gravel vacume if you can get once, and they will be fine.

If a power filter is not an option, a small sponge or bubble filter does a good job. I have them in my 3gal tanks (with UGF too) using suction cups and they keep the water pretty clear and reduce the build-up on the water surface also.


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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Great....thanks! That's very helpful.

I can't decide on whether to divide one 2.5 for both of them...or continue with them in separate tanks. I'll probably go with the latter.

Right now, Samson's nursing what I initially thought was fin rot, but may only be a blown tail fin (I used Anti-Fungus initially and that stopped the degredation/fraying...I'm now starting Bettafix to aid in re-growth). He's a hyper little it may be best to keep him by himself.

Since money's tight right now, I'll probably just get one for now and move the old man Solomon into a new bachelor pad first.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Good Idea,,

I am hunting for 2 to 5 used tank for Riker. Right now he is in one of those 1/2 gal starter betta kit acrylic 'tanks'. I put some hornwart in there with him and put him beside the goldfish tank, so he seems pretty happy. It still better than the big cup he was in before.

I never seem to have enough tanks :(. I check the bargain finder online every couple of days to see if I can find any deals, but it is hard to find the smaller tanks, most are 10 to 85 gallon beasties.


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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I'm such a newbie the idea of real plants is a little intimidating to me right now. I know hornwart is good with bettas...anything special I need to do to make sure it thrives, etc.? (any special substrate?) I may just do silk and/or plastic though.

Also, if (big "if") I wanted to get a tank mate for Solomon, what, if anything could I put in there with him? It's so small I probably should just keep him alone.

If my money was better I'd get a 3 gallon for him and maybe a couple of panda or pygmy cories.

Last edited:
Mar 11, 2003
I had 2 african dwarf frogs (not to be confused with the clawed frogs) in the 2.5 with Koopa. Very cute little guys. Make sure you get sinking pellets (they don't go for floating ones usually) and leave a plant (fake or real) above teh gravel for them to hide under, or you can buy these really tiny flower pots (I mean really TINY) and lay them on their side for them to hide in. But Mario (frog) died, and then Koopa(Betta), so Luigi (frog)is in the female betta tank and 2 bettas are in the divided 2.5 gallon. Have fun with you new tank/s. Its a blast decorating them.



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hornwart is more like a weed, it grows fast, minimal lighting, floating (no roots req'd) and you can add weights to hold it down if you like.

In my small tanks, I just let if float, and prune it every so often.

If I had a preference, I would only have 1 male per 3 gal tanks. The only reason I used dividers now is because I had to seperate my females (they were all in the 3gal) because Reena would pick on the other two constantly.

Once I can dig-up, steal (indefinately borrow I mean) or afford a bunch of new tanks, I will have one 3gal tank per male, and a divided tank for my females.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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True, Java fern or moss are nicer than Hornwart and grow in low-light too.

I got the Petsmart lady to give me a free 'sample' loose clipping of Hornwart so I could test it in my tank to see if it would grow.

It did, and now I have enough for all my betta tanks. Otherwise I would prefer Java Fern or Java Moss.


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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#34 Iggy already knows, I've now got the 2.5 set up and running (did it last night)

I just put Solomon in and he loves his new digs

I went with plastic and sild plants for now. I may add a little real hornwart in the next couple of days.

I'll definitely keep the Java fern and moss in mind...maybe for when Samson upgrades :)