Betta tankmates?

Jul 22, 2006
I used to have a Beta in my 10G tank with Black Skirts, Sepre Tetras, Zebra Danios, Cherry Barbs, White Clouds, and Striped Raphaels. They all were friends for a long time.

When I set up this new 29G tank, I had a beautiful Beta with the Tiger Barbs. Those friggin tigers wouldnt leave him alone. Several days later, the Beta was found at his final resting place - the intake filter.



Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2004
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JeLeAk said:
wow you kept tiger barbs with a betta, thats pretty interesting, i wouldnt recommend your combo to every one i meet on the street
Ah, there was a method to my madness! First the barbs went in and I allowed them to establish a pecking order so they would keep the agression amongst themselves. Then the shark went in. I figured since I had a school of barbs swimming around that could gang up on the shark, if needed, the shark would be less territorial. After a day or two of fights, everyone calmed down and have been happy. The most risky addition I thought was the SAE. I put it in because I wanted some of my algae munched on. It does ok in this respect, but not great. I was worried that the shark would go after the SAE, and I would have to transfer the SAE, but this hasn't been the case. I think this is mainly because the SAE has identity issues and schools w/ the barbs alot.

Next I snuck in the yoyo loaches. Since all of the toughs were quieted down, these guys just swam down to the bottom and live peacefully there.

I got the betta to replace a dwarf gourami that sadly passed. The gourami was pretty much the enforcer of the tank, but started wasting away and meds couldn't stop whatever it was that got it. So I figured a betta is pretty similar to a dwarf gourami in size and 'tude, and I was right and it worked. To be fair, I think it may be a betta imbellis and not a splendins - it has a circular tail and the fins aren't that flowy and was labelled improperly as a female betta (suckas) - perfect for my application