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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
biotope? I want to do a carribean SW biotope in a shallow 50 gal tank...

in terms of FW I would like to someday do a biotope of w/e place royal plecos are from. I'd make that in a 120 gallon tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
If your angels are still small, they won't breed because they aren't sexual mature yet. I think my angel is old enough, but he's almost 5" from nose to tail. The best bet if you want them to breed in an isolated environment would be to get a MINIMUM 20gH tank and use that. Once they lay the eggs, remove the parents back to your big tank. Anything less than a 20gH will be a waste of your time and money if it's for the sole purpose of breeding your angels.

Random announcement...I was bad yesterday. I went to Petco in a different city (was taking some friends to the Amtrak station 2 hours away) and walked out with a GORGEOUS dark blue mustard gas male halfmoon doubletail plakat betta and a matched pair (m/f) of neon swords. Now I have to juggle more tanks to fit Emmett (the new boy) in. Aidan is going in the 6gal FBH and Loki is going in the 5gal bowfront, so Emmett can have the 10gal all to himself.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yes, a tank divider would be cheaper, but it may not work. Fry are TINY when they're hatched and they could very easily slip through the holes in the divider. Why not keep your eye out on Craigslist or at the local thrift stores for a 20gH? I find tanks all the time at Goodwill and on Craigslist. Another good place to check is yard sales.

Another random announcement...I went to Petsmart to get a sword plant for the 10gal that Emmett (my new male betta) is going in and came out with a great marble sword and a pretty little male red tiger platy. The platy was a total impulse buy (I have the space for him), but usually the ones they have are mickey mouse (which I severely dislike) and this little guy isn't.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Random Announcement: The Bolivians are a buck cheaper than the germans! He's even got super tiny electric blue bolivians if I wanted to go that route!

Random Announcement: The PH in my 29 gal has dropped down to about 7.2. Much lower and I could probably play with discuss.

Random Announcement: Bob "strongly suggested" I don't put an apisto in my tank due to the PH not being low/soft enough. He also suggested not getting a krib because it'd totally kick my DG's ass.

Random Announcement: My ammonia spiked! OH NOES! It's probably from having a dead fishy in the tank for half a day. Surprisingly, nobody eated it. No new BBR today. Maybe not tomorrow if I somehow went into a mini-cycle instead of getting a general dead fishy ammonia spike.

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