I wouldn't do any gravel cleaning if you are still in the cycle process. your substrate is where about 90% of your nitrifying bacteria grows. If you are still having trouble I would cut back feeding to once every other day.
yes I think that the bio spira works and did for me. I think that it would have been better if I would of added it from the word go!
bio spira is the good bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) that comes in a pouch with liquid. it should always be refridgerated when purchased until the time you put it in your tank. if you purchase it and it isn't refridgerated don't buy it. same if it is frozen. don't buy. it is designed to add the bacteria to the tank and aid the growth of new bacteria. it will help your tank cycle faster because you don't have to wait for the good bacteria to grow.. you are just adding it to the water. here is the offical info..
BIO-Spira Features...
Prevents New Tank Syndrome
Introduce fish safely within 24 hours, not weeks. Prevents ammonia and nitrite toxicity in freshwater aquariums during the initial critical period.
Patented and Patent Pending
Discovered, isolated and now commercially grown exclusively by Marineland Labs.
BIO-Spira, containing several newly discovered patented and patent pending species of the actual nitrifying bacteria found in closed, freshwater aquatic systems is "biological filtration" in a bottle. It literally works overnight to prevent fish loss due to ammonia and nitrite toxicity.
Discovered, isolated and cultured by Marineland Labs, BIO-Spira is the result of 10+ years of molecular biological research to identify and commercially produce the bacteria responsible for nitrification in aquaria. The discovery of BIO-Spira by Dr. Timothy Hovanec, Chief Science Officer of Marineland Labs, and his team has been well-documented and collaborated by other leading scientists around the world.
Over the last 18 months, BIO-Spira has been successfully field tested at public zoos, aquariums and in the aquaculture industry.
BIO-Spira is, perhaps, the most important aquarium product ever as it will make "new tank syndrome" a thing of the past. Fish can be safely introduced to new aquariums within 24 hours rather than weeks…and kept alive and healthy through the initial critical period. The discovery of BIO-Spira and the potential positive impact on fishkeeping was the cover story in the July 2002 issue of Pet Product News, a leading pet industry trade journal.
CRITICAL CARE INFORMATION: For new aquariums, first condition water with BIO-Safe™. Adjust aquarium water temperature. Add BIO-Spira™ and BIO-Coat™ along with fish. See your retailer for advice on the number of fish appropriate the size of your aquarium. BIO-Spira may also be added with each water change, when adding additional fish, and established aquaria that are experiencing water quality problems due to disruption of the bio-filter.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Shake well before each use. Use 1 ounce (29.6 ml) of BIO-Spira per 30 gallons of water. BIO-Spira cannot be overdosed. Keep refrigerated. Be sure to shut off any UV sterilizers and remove medication by means of a water change or activated carbon.
PRINCIPLE INGREDIENTS: Purified water, patented and patent pending pure strains of Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira and Nitrospira.
IMPORTANT: BIO-Spira is a "live" bacteria culture that is sold refrigerated and must be kept refrigerated until used. It can not be overdosed. Repeated dosing of your aquarium with ammonia removing liquids (such as BIO-Safe, Amquel, Ammo-lock and Aqua-Safe) can inhibit the beneficial action of BIO-Spira. Ammonia removing liquids should only be used to initially treat tap water. It is normal to have a small (<2 ppm) amount of ammonia or nitrate during the first few days after set-up. These concentrations are not harmful and will quickly drop to zero with proper use of BIO-Spira.