
Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
i saw it on webcam with yahoo, the tank is lookin really great, little cloudy but thats to be expected because of the sand
i want a SW tank :p


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It's a good idea to test it all with fresh water before you add anything to your tank. That way, you can make sure the pumps and fuge are doing what they're supposed to, without having to drain it of saltwater or sand or live rock.

We just filled up our new SW tank with FW, and found a small leak in the plumbing system. No biggie with tapwater in it, but it would have been a huge pain if we had saltwater or rock in there.


Medium Fish
Nov 19, 2006
You could get a backpac PS with that set up. Looks promising and I'd be interested in seeing it. What kinds of fish are you interested in? aggressive, community, species only? Your choices are limited but not as much as your 10 gallon. Peaceful community works well cause later on you can add corals, have very few choices. A schooling tank would be impressive, something flashy, orange stripe cardinals, Pj cardinals, even yellow belly blue damsels one of the "nicer" damsels, indigo blue chromis, green chromis are very peaceful and they acually school..they even school with other fish. Almost all damsels will school, but they are agressive and will be mean to anything else you put in there..they will even attack you given half the chance. I have a blue damsel that bites me every chance he gets..he is in with a yellow tail damsel and a Pseudochromis. It's really up to you, just make wise choices and always look to future goals..what is it you really want, work from there and make it happen..hey you can always get more tanks!

yeah lotus, i filled it with FW first. i got it all running and stuff and monitored it to make sure it was all set, then i put the salt in.

im not sure how to take pictures with my webcam..... but im sure i could. if anyone wants to see my tank they can add me on yahoo messenger (its in my profile) and i can show them on cam. i think this is a cool idea because they can ask to see specific parts if they want, not just a few pics that i liked.

i currently have a 10 gallon SW tank going with a pink skunk clown, a banded coral shrimp, and a snail. this will all be going into my 30. i know im adding more of a cleanup crew, and maybe a starfish, and gobie of some sort. other than that im really not sure.

since i have the fuge thing hooked up, it only takes up 6 inches of the length of the tank. the lenght of the tank is now 30 inches.

do you guys think i need a skimmer? i kindof have a film like think going on in the fuge area. i toook a cup and submersed it a tiny bit below the waterline to "skim" it off. that seemed to have worked, theres only a tiny bit left which leads me to believe it has something to do with the dust.

what other animals would be cool in there? i am open to all ideas. just something that will live with my clown please.

forgot to say this is going to have corals in it. i am getting thes lights...
36" 2x96W Coralife Aqualight CF hood, 1x Actinic and 1x 10,000K, -Square Pin

im pretty sure i'll be able to keep quite a bit in there.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Dwarf angel (one of the small ones, since it really isn't a whole 30g of room anymore), gramma, most gobies (I recommend a pair of neon blue gobies... these guys are awesome, they sit on your fingers to eat), firefish, cardinal, etc. Pretty much anything small and peaceful to semi-aggressive. I far prefer the dwarf angels because they are so awesome and colorful.

those are some good ideas, i was thinking firefish too, but where my water overflows into the fuge/pump area is only blocked by eggcrate. im afraid it would be too easy for the firefish to go strait through there, and get sucked up by my pump.... horrible visions of the fish getting chopped up by the impeller.

i was thinking of adding a royal gramma, a megenta pseudochromis, a sandsifting goby, and if i can maybe a couple neon or similar gobies. would that be okay to have 3 gobies?

should i put a snail in the fuge to keep the sand stirred?

and is there anyone here willing to sell me some macro cheap?

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
You always want to try to have an ample amount of natural live foods growing in your tank, be it pods or algea's etc... so one thing to keep in mind when choosing tank inhabitants is there food source and whether or not they will be competing for the same food resulting in an insufficient supply. Yes, you can always suppliment feed as needed but it is always a good practice to provide as much natural food as possible.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
In general gobies will fight (so I've read), but neons do fine with other gobies... I've seen them kept in stores with watchman gobies, and have kept mine with a clown goby with no problems.

Since the gramma and pseduochromis are semi-related, I've heard that they will fight and I've never seen them kept together... Liveaquaria has them as not compatible.


Medium Fish
Nov 19, 2006
In general gobies will fight (so I've read), but neons do fine with other gobies... I've seen them kept in stores with watchman gobies, and have kept mine with a clown goby with no problems.

Since the gramma and pseduochromis are semi-related, I've heard that they will fight and I've never seen them kept together... Liveaquaria has them as not compatible.
SW Rule of thumb..if it will fit in a fishes mouth, he will eat it. Yes gobies will fight..but like he said neons are ok.. they are lightening fast...if you are worried about the firefish getting chopped up, the neon gobies are even smaller, I would say you could perhaps rig up a screen or something. If you are going eventually with corals..remember this when choosing fish. And with Gobies they burrow so make sure your rock is on the bottom of the tank then fill it with sand..they will make a maze underneath and if the rock is sitting on top of sand it could trap or collapse on top of them. How big is your clown? I would get him/her a mate..if she is big get a smaller one..the biggest clown will always turn female.

YahooFishKeeper said:
should i put a snail in the fuge to keep the sand stirred?
I would put several Cerith or nassarius into your fug and a couple dwarf blue leg hermits.
holy cow! the fuge is only 6x6 inches! that kinda seems like a lot... are you sure?

my clown is pretty small. i got the smallest of the 3 at the store. i suppose i could get another, i do like this kind. im not really sure what stock i want to end up with, but i think i am going to get another clown. first off i am going to add more LR. i have like 8 lbs sitting in a 30 gallon aquarium... its very naked. as i buy the LR i am going to pick up a cleanup crew gradually with it. whats a good number of snails and hermits to end up with?

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
YahooFishKeeper said:
YahooFishKeeper said:
should i put a snail in the fuge to keep the sand stirred?
holy cow! the fuge is only 6x6 inches! that kinda seems like a lot... are you sure?
For some reason I thought it was 8" not 6.
In my fug I have 7 nassarius snails, apprx. 10 hermits and 1 sand sifting star. My fug is about 8"x12" or so. I also have a couple of other snails like turbos in there as well... maybe overkill but then again you've seen my tank and how it looks. I would at least have 3 snails and 2 hermits in the fug. If you think that there will not be enough for them to eat you can always suppliment there diet once in a while.

silver dollars said:
Nice pics Jenn! So when will this tank be up and running?
the tank has been running since saturday or sunday. i have no clue on long breaks. i lose all sense of time. it has had inhabitants in it since the night before last. that was sunday night... so the tank must have been running saturday. im just a bit blonde. lack of sleep methinks.

i will probably put about 2 hermits and a couple of digging snails in there, and switch the hermits out every once in a while. should i put a little piece of LR in there? i wasnt planning on it (only 6"x6") but te hermits just in there hanging out in the sand just doesnt seem right. i was only planning on having macro, and the DSB in there.

for tank inhabitants i will probably get another pink skunk clown, and some sort of sleeper goby. possibly a pistol shrimp. i think it would be pretty cool if it and the goby formed a relationship. also i wanted to put a starfish in there. any particular kind you all would suggest?

FINALLY!!!! i was bored, and since i have a snowday tomorrow, i decided to stay up late and take some pics. they arent the best quality though, they are taken with my web cam.

full tank shot
Photo Xanga

the fuge
Photo Xanga

a top view of the fuge area
Photo Xanga

this is the like when your looking through the tank. i tried to get as much of the fug in as possible without getting tat chunk of LR in the picture.
Photo Xanga

right side of the tank. thats my pink skunk clown.
Photo Xanga

this is pierre. he lost his claws when he freaked out while i was switching tanks.
Photo Xanga