JWright said:
Yeah... mutilated fish make me laugh too...
Oh wait... no they don't....
That's not what I meant and I would hope you guys would understand that. I just meant his body shape is so unusual and his little parrot beak is so cute, like he's puckering up to kiss someone. Unusual fish always make me laugh. Kissing gouramis make me laugh.
And by the way, I've been studying his "tail" or lack thereof, and I don't think it was cut off. His body is shaped like there was never a tail there in the first place. And I've tried to find something online that says they've been cut off and I can't find anything. Just a couple sites that say the hybridization has produced fish without a tail.
What do you want me to do, kill the fish because it's not a "real" fish? I certainly didn't cut off his tail, if that's what was even done, and I'm not the one that crossed the breeds in the first place. I didn't go out and BUY this fish, it came with the tank and I plan to give it a good home because I just do that. I like him, he amuses me and I don't know what else you can expect of me.
Sorry for my rant, I am just slightly miffed. I am a good pet owner, and there aren't many of us in the world.
btw, thanks MissFishy for sticking up for me.