Blue Crayfish (juveniles)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Requests that have been made thus far (you know who you are) will be honored to the best of my ability, but I'm not sure of exactly how many juvie crayfish there are, so supplies could be just about used-up with the orders that have already been made.

For this reason, I would highly-recommend holding off if you haven't yet placed an order and are interested in doing so.
Orders made thus far will be taken in the order that they were received by me via PM. I will PM you with the details required for the transaction prior to shipping WHEN I AM READY. Cheques will need to be received PRIOR to shipping (however, I will make exceptions for people with whom I have done business in the past; you know who you are). The absolute EARLIEST that I will be shipping out crays is early to mid-June. The more they have a chance to grow prior to shipping, the better their chances of surviving.

As mentioned, the precise $shipping/materials$ has not yet been determined, so prices are subject to change.
I will do my best to honor the prices that I have listed, however, they may need to be adjusted in order for me not to lose money in this process.


$5.00 each + shipping/materials cost

Send PM if interested and we can work out shipping/materials cost/details.

***Due to traveling commitments, I will not be able to ship any crays until early June...they could use the extra time to get a little bigger anyway, which means they'll fare a bit better during shipping.***

I'll respond to PM's (private messages) until late next week, but will likely be unavailable to respond between May 15th and May 31st, so don't panic if you don't hear back right away. ;)

I have a couple dozen which are all at about the 1.0" mark.
Some of the larger ones (such as the one in the pic shown below) have reached closer to 1.5" in length.


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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Available: Start of June

I edited the first post in this thread to include the following:

***Due to traveling commitments, I will not be able to ship any crays until early June...they could use the extra time to get a little bigger anyway, which means they'll fare a bit better during shipping.***

I'll respond to PM's (private messages) until late next week, but will likely be unavailable to respond between May 15th and May 31st, so don't panic if you don't hear back right away. ;)


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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
I've housed crays in with fry before, and they really don't bother with them at all---the fry are way too small.

I'd say be prepared to move the fry out of there by the time they get to be around 0.5-1.0 inches if you wanna be safe.

This type of setup actually works quite well, because the cray will act as a very efficient clean-up crew for all the fry food that will inevitably accumulate in there as you feed multiple times a day.



Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I am going to Reserve two. I have to see If my sisters want a small tank. Either way I will deffently get one of them you can always find place for a 10G tank.

Just wondering What size tank is reccomended for these guys?



Thinking about it now I have to see If I can get them. They might be not allowed in FL. I will have to look into it. Still keep them on hold for me.

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Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
In that case, BV, I will definitely take one. If you think he'd be happier with a buddy....I'd take two. Will they survive being shiipped to PA? If so, when you're ready, I can PM you with my address. We will be out of town from 6/9-6/16 though.

I might even get my husband interested in this hobby......he thinks cray are really cool, too!!

I just noticed that you have your cray in a 3 G Eclipse. If you ever need a replacement acrylic tank for the set up, let me know. I have that 3 G Marineland sent me by mistake.

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
lauraj said:
If you think he'd be happier with a buddy....I'd take two.
One is more than plenty for a single tank (otherwise they'd kill each other).

lauraj said:
Will they survive being shiipped to PA? If so, when you're ready, I can PM you with my address. We will be out of town from 6/9-6/16 though.
They should---especially by the time I'm ready to ship them.
I will definitely hang onto one for you, so don't worry about being away. Matter of fact, it's probably better that way---it'll give the crays extra time to grow. The bigger they are, the easier they'll ship.

lauraj said:
I just noticed that you have your cray in a 3 G Eclipse. If you ever need a replacement acrylic tank for the set up, let me know. I have that 3 G Marineland sent me by mistake.
Hehe...thanks for the offer. It's very tempting actually (thoughts running through my head about hanging onto a female mate for Jerry; which I could raise in the 3 gal. tank you've got). ;)

Is it just the tank itself, or did it come with a filter?
Either way, I've got a perfect spot for it, so let me know. Just PM me so we don't get too far off-track on this thread, lol.



Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
i wish i had a place to house a cray! i saw a tiny one (less than 2 inch, though he looked chubby!) at the lfs yesterday and thought of you - he was a cutie.

maha - i'm here in fl, and i've seen 'em for sale.. they should be ok :)