BrackMan's 10gal Nano

Alrighty guys and girls, I never thought I would actually ever start a true saltwater tank... but I did. Its been up and running now for about a week now. I will gladly except all creative criticism

Here it is:

I am currently only running one Powersweep powerhead/and a Marineland 200 HOB for water movement, until I can go get another powerhead, at which time I will then turn my ML 200 into a HOB refugium.
so tell me what you think.


Well, it seems that my LR came with some pretty interesting hitchhikers, so far I've seen 2 Bittle Stars, and 2 tiny white snails, then last night my wife called me and asked me about the crab in my tank (she is always giving a hard time about buying fish) ..:eek: ... Seems my LR came complete with an Emerald Crab, at least that what it looks like to me, but unfortunately I have been unsuccessful in obtaining any decent pics of the little booger, he is content with sitting in a crevice under a piece of LR in the back corner of my tank. :rolleyes: Maybe tonight he will come out long enough for me to get pics. :cool:

Other updates:
I added my other Zoomeds powersweep 212 and moved the one that was in there around a little so now both powerheads are on the back wall. Going to start building refugium tonight, I think I have everything for it now.

10gal nano with 12.5 lbs of LR
Ammonia= 0 ppm
Nitrites= <.3 ppm
Nitrates= 5 ppm


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Sounds like it's all coming along nicely. How cool that you got a free emerald crab and starfish!!!

This is just the beginning...........I see in your are converting one of your many other tanks to!!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That's a bristleworm. They aren't bad, unless you either get a really big type (most stay small), or a serious overpopulation of them (from overfeeding). They don't hurt fish unless they're one of the really big type, but they can sting you if you touch one with your bare hands. They do clean-up type work and eat excess food, as well as dead things, so they'll keep your tank from getting anything rotting in it.

A lot of people think of them as pests and try to get rid of them. I'm not sure if they cause problems in a reef tank. There's certain fish (wrasses and some others) that eat them, but I think they all get too big for a 10g. My wrasse cleaned out the population pretty quickly, but they weren't hurting anything and I didn't get the wrasse specifically to eat them.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I think I have one of those too. I haven't actually seen it in detail because it hides under a rock....but every so often I see it's arm (body) or whatever coming out and checking things out. It's not orange, it's all grey, but it definitely has that bristly appearance.