BrackMan's 10gal Nano

Time for updated pics... I've been busy adding some corals during the last week and I finally got around to taking some pics. :cool:

Full tank shot

BTW if anyone noticed the Chromis at the top of the tank :D, he was a freebie from my LFG today (Saturday), and I know they do better in multiples, but he was a return, and he was free. *thumbsups

Candy Canes and Orange Sun Coral


Red Brain/Lobo

Green star Polyps

Green Stripe Mushrooms

Orange Sun coral by its self

aresgod said:
I am pretty sure the sun corals are nocturnal, arent they? If a m correct, maybe try to put them in a cave or sheltered overhand.
Technically yes they are nocturnal, But you can "train" them to open for food at whatever time you want. Besides my are kind of under the overhang of the cave.

Thanks for the compliments guys