Breeding Bettas


Large Fish
Sep 12, 2004
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Hi, I was thinking about breeding my bettas and was wondering if I can have some advice and tips on how to breed them.I never breed bettas before. I would appreciate it if you can give me some tips.


Large Fish
Oct 19, 2004
Santa ana, california
describe to us [me] what epuipment you have? liek tanks sizes n ect liek that. to start off

you would need say liek a 5 - 10 gal tank, house the male in there with some [alot] of plants and atleast 1/3 the tank with some kind of floating plant, have an air stone in there with a HOB filter [not recommended when the eggs hatched] that doesnt make a strong current or you can have a corner sponge filter. then for the femal house her in say a 1 - 2 gal tank/jar make sure their healthy, you might want to have a couple of femals as some are just not to the liking of the male. have the femal's tank/jar somewhat near the males tank to where he can see her a little but not alot. when he starts to build a bubble nest you can try and firgure out which femal is capitable [spell] with him, you might want like a clear glass tube with a diameter of about 4 inches and place it in the tank, place the female in the tube and have it sittin upright where she can't get out, then if you see that the male isnt acting up you can pull up the tube so the female will be freely swimming in the tank with the male and monitor their progress, you should be able to tell right away if its ok or not. after it is done and the eggs has been released you should remove the female to a recovery tank [her own is good] so she can recover, the male can still be left in the his tank with the eggs but make sure to have some kind of plants so the bby betta fry's can hide, when the egg's has hatched you can either move out the fry or the betta and feed it microworms or something or finely crushed tropical fish food. search google also you should get some stuff.


Large Fish
Sep 12, 2004
Visit site
ok cool.i was looking on the internet and found out that at first once you let the female go with the male they nip each other.How can you tell the difference between biting and fighting?Just so I can be on the safe side.


Large Fish
Oct 19, 2004
Santa ana, california
oh you will. the female will try to get away if they are actually fighting, during their breeding thing, they do kinda fight so the female gets pretty beat up but you will b able to tell, they avoid each other or the female does to the male if they arent capitable.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Umm, I disagree with zanoshano... I've never had bettas breed in an hour. You will probably need to leave them together overnight (I've always had to), and only take her out if she is getting badly injured or after they have spawned. Don't feed either while they are together.

I would also opt for no HOB filter, even before there are fry. It will make it difficult or impossible for the male to make a decent bubble nest. Use a sponge filter, or no filter at all until the fry are a couple of weeks old.

It isn't fighting if there are no big tears in the fins. The female will try to get away part of the time, even if the two are compatible. But she will also swim towards the male and the bubble nest occasionally. The male should follow/chase the female around a bit, and then leave her alone for a while to work more on the nest. You just need to watch to make sure he isn't obsessively following and attacking her viciously.