Breeding Bettas


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
10 gallon tank filled with about 4" of water with a styro foam cup cut in half placed at the surface, a couple of fake plants at the other end of the tank from where the cup is a submersible heater, and either a divider or a large clear glass

establish the male in the tank for a while, and then intoduce the female(i like using the large glass but she can escape so some sort of a lid that is breathable is adviced)... the male should start flairing his gills and putting on a show for the female, and after a while the male will build a bubble nest

once the male has built the nest check to see if the female has stipes and a fat belly if she dosent dont introduce her into the tank untill she dose(stripes meaning shes ready to mate and fat belly meaning eggs)

they will lock lips and seem to fight for a bit, then the female will "give in" and the male will squeeze the eggs out of her, he will then swim down to the bottom firtlize them and pick them up with his mouth and spit them into the bubble nest

once the female is done, remove her from the tank, the male will continue to build/repair the nest and put droped eggs back into the nest

after the fry have hatched and are free swimming the male can be removed, and you can start filtration and fill the tank up

jus a basic run down of breeding betta's i would read as many breeding set-up's as possible and take the best ideas and form your own

but i suggest at least a 10 gallon sized tank