has anyone had any experience with mixing any cichlids with rainbow shark or bala?
was wondering how compatible they were. i read on the compatible chart at liveaquaria that you would have to use caution. i was thinking maybe 1 small african cichlid semi aggressive or peaceful (and how peaceful are they really and will they mix with semi aggressive fish?) with the list i have below. would it hurt any of my fish?
never done cichlids before but have been always interested as they have beautiful color variations
was wondering how compatible they were. i read on the compatible chart at liveaquaria that you would have to use caution. i was thinking maybe 1 small african cichlid semi aggressive or peaceful (and how peaceful are they really and will they mix with semi aggressive fish?) with the list i have below. would it hurt any of my fish?
never done cichlids before but have been always interested as they have beautiful color variations