Canister filters ?

se-r altima

Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2012
Aurora CO
Lotus is right about the rotten egg smell. If the filter stops pumping and just gets clogged the filter will begin to stink after a few days.
I have used the magnum 250 and the 350 for years. I just use the micron cartridge to polish the water along with a small Duetto 100 in the big tank and an under gravel filter. 10 gallon hex only has the Hot magnum for filtration. I try to change out the micron cartridge every month on both tanks. Then I bleach the micron cartridges to clean them. I have 6 spare micron cartridges I switch between and when the old ones go to the garbage I just buy a new one. Usually they last about 1 1/2 years -2 years each. (usually 6-8 times) Most importantly is to rinse them after the bleach and opening up the pleats and letting hot water wash any left over debree wash out. (see how the two on left are older and material is flossing. 2 x left before trash)

The stones or rocks on the bottom provide all the biological filtration for the tanks and I believe is where most of the bacteria live anyway. Unless you have a bio wheel or wet/dry filter. Very little carbon or other media just like nature. I also use a python for quick and easy water changes and also vacuming the rocks once a month to remove all the left over food and crap.

One last note on Canister filters. Make sure you check the o-ring every few months and don't be afraid to use a tiny amount of vaseline petroleum jelly to keep that o-ring moist so it does not dryrot and start a leak. I have a spare new one just in case and replace them every 3-5 years to be safe. I also pull the suction and return out of the tank every time I change the filter to prevent back siphoning and a leak.
(the green is return and the black is siphon)

When I replace the micron cartridge I also rinse out the canister, clean the impeller, fill back up with water to 95% and reconnect everything. Always make sure to place the suction and return lines back in the tank to prevent spilling water everywhere. lol. When I turn on the filter I run it for 10 seconds and shut it off and make sure the return is under water so it back siphons and burps out the air in the canister to re-prime it.
Hope that helps.
Hot Magnum (Hang on tank) On a 10 gallon Hex. (10 gallon) lol

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