check this out its so cool looking


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Okay, on one side, yeah, the bottom picture looks pretty cool.

On the other side, poor fishies. Those colors are all fake. The dying process is believed to be harmful and stressful to these fish, and will fade with time.

On another note, I think Blood Parrots are cool just as themselves, they get a beautiful orange/red/gold color as they mature, sometimes a deep a red to be a dark blood color, hense the name. Yes, they are hybrids, but hybridization is not unnatrual in any way. Humans have been creating hybrids ever since man learned that selective breeding can produce better quality milk/meat/wool and mules!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
it does look cool...but thats part of the problem

people buy them cuz they look cool and this just encourages people to experiment and find other "cool ways" to alter fish and make them more sellable

i dont think its "cool" to inject fish with dye

i dont think its "cool" to dip fish in a mild acid and then dip them in dye

i think this would be a pretty painful process,whether they remember it or not, its a cruel one

i dont think its "cool" for someone to try to sell an unhealthy fish...which most likely dyed fish are

even if their immune system processes the poisons(if they even live long enough) that have been imposed on it, they eventually lose the color whats the point...really?

i dont have a problem w/hybrids, unless the result is a fish that can not live a full and normal life...but i think painting fish is sad and useless :(


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
you didn't offend is a cool pic...but knowing what they are makes it hard to appreciate

i wasn't trying to attack you or anything about your post, i hope it didn't come across that way :)


Oct 22, 2002
Cool pic but totally Disgusting! If thats what you call 'selective breeding', someone did not have good taste. Usually one tries breeding similar animals for better qualities however this is not the case. Sorry! There are over 2300 species of cichlids in the wild and I think that is more than enough variety for anyone to find something of interest. Some blood parrots have swim bladder deformities and almost all have quite severe spinal kinks. Almost all blood parrots are sterile as they have two distinct sets of chromosome which will not pair up during meiosis. Imo, this is an ugly fish especially when comparing it to other 'natural' cichlids!

But then again, that is my opinion. Not your fault bobrob!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I agree Red. Who would want someting created when there are tons of more beautiful and fascinating natural species out there?

At my job, everytime someone wants those "painted glassfish" with the pink or whatever colors, I tell them it's just going to fade away and/or kill the poor fish. Most of the time after that, the people don't buy them, but you just can't deter some people I guess....

Did you know they've even started dying Black and Gold skirt tetras? Terrible stuff...

oh well....

Oh my God, how could you post that?!! You are as bad as the craven individual who injected each and every one of those little fish with the needle, which WILL result in premature deaths.

I can't believe this, who would want to see such SMUT!?

I think I am going to cry very soon, not now, but very soon.

All I can think about is the mean hairy man with his hypodermic needle injecting the fish one by one. Oh, the pain they must have felt. This is as obscene as those pictures from Africa of the mutilated children.

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
Now wait a second was an honest mistake of bobrob's...

you can have your opinion about the picture, and about the process, and I agree it's cruel. But I dont think it's right to go telling poor bobrob that he's as bad as the people who did that!

He didn't mean to offend, and I dont want to speak for him further, but its not like he did the needle injecting...he apologized even.

I dunno, just my 2 cents.

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
I'm not attacking you, phishkeeper...I was just pointing out that it was his honest mistake. I again, restate: I am not attacking you. I agree ENTIRELY and wholeheartedly that this is a cruel process. I dont think anyone here is supporting dyed fish. It was a honest mistake, that's all I was trying to point out.

Oct 22, 2002
I hear you ryan and I dont really think (at least I hope not) that anyone is blaming bobrob for pointing this out. I think that everyone has been posting comments about the fish in particular. However, if bobrob feels its his fault, dont! Because you did nothing wrong or evil. The fact of the matter is that this fish exists even if bobrob wouldnt of mentioned it.

*Sorry! I did just read a the post after I posted the above. I agree with ryan there. Dont blame bobrob!