check this out its so cool looking

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
that was hilarious dcbluemeanie!! :)

yes, we all dye our fish, phishkeeper, and our cats and dogs too!!! Oh, and we'll dye ourselves for fun too.


calm down please. we don't say its great to dye fish, no where on this board has anyone said that its a great practice. You're welcome to your opinions, phish, and your accusations, but please, calm down...we're good people, really we are! I promise...right guys?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
For all those who'd like to know...

My hair is purple. It's been that way for about a year. Oh, it's about as purple as well, as purple as one of those fish in the picture.

I did once ask an ASPCA officer if it was considered cruel to animals to dye their hair. I once saw a white poodle that had a little pink puffs on the ends of its ears. She said as long as it was done within normal grooming standards, it wasn't against the law at all or cruel so long as no uncessary restraint was used or that the dye wasn't unusually harsh or caustic. They dye use was regular human hair dye (probably the same brand I used<G>) and poodles are dogs with a coat very similar to human hair. In fact, the little thing looked cute. Pink isn't my particular favorite color, though, I thought blue would look cooler.

I also have a tattoo. A big green dragon on my lower back. From what I understand, the artist had to use a needle to inject the ink under my skin and make it permante. The process was sorta painful, it took six hours, but the end result is a really cool dragon on my lower back, a tribute actually to my all time favorite and most revered SF artist. Not that I look like a person who'd get tattoos mind you. It's faded a bit from being a few years old, but still a nice color. Probably will have it retouched in another couple of years, provided I don't get a matching blue dragon on my shoulder with the cash.

The point is...was there one? I don't remember. Oh, yeah, BobRob, please, feel entitled to think what-ever you wish of the picture and dyed fish. It was wrong for Phishkeeper to attack you personally. Wrong wrong wrong. Posting a picture and sharing your opinions is not a crime. Personally attacking the people who do should be.

Hell, the picture is cool, the colors are neat, unforutnately the way they got there isn't. Now if somebody could devise a way to breed fish those colors without dyes, I would probably have a tank just like that. Thanks for posting the pic, BTW, and sharing.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'm afraid if I mention the Artist's name, I'll end up sued for copywrite infringement<G>. The tattooist did alter the image, somewhat, so it wasn't exactly like the one I picked, but who knows, in this day and age, there are all sorts of people out there. But as a hint, this artist did do an album cover for a very famous muscian that's name is reminescent of the type of meal my mother swore she never put oatmeal in just so my brother and I would eat it.

Oh, my favorite Musician has to be Sting *melts* although the band Travis has been in my CD deck for the past four weeks. Paint? Hmm...spray paint is definately fun. You can do lots of things with spray paint, like urban murals, and sorority logos on geological formations, and decorate the neighbors dog...<G>



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
i saw an article, i can't remember where, but it showed these cats that had these patterns dyed onto them. one was dyed like an american flag, another one had leopard print. people did this because they considered it art. i wonder how the cats feel about this! lol.

I guess it depends on how they actually acheive the coloration. I've dyed my cat pink before and it didn't do any harm. A few people mentioned acid and needles and I don't know if those are really involved. Injecting glass fish is definately bad, but I would have to do more research before I pass premature judgement. The pic does look cool and if its a quick harmless thing I don't really have a problem with it. I think it sould be required for pet stores to explain how its done and that it will fade so potential buyers can make an informed decision. I've got no problems with hybrids and cross breeding. Many useful plants and animals come from these techniques, mules and necterines come to mind.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
thank u to every1 who stood up for me, phishkeeper probably thinx im one of these sik ppl that like seeing animals in pain 'WELL I DONT'. ur tatoo sounds pretty sweet im gonna get a tatoo 4 my 16 bday. :) sorry if that above statment sounded siniacal phishkeeper coz it wasnt meant 2 be.

The only apology you are going to get is that I am sorry that I can't decipher your last two posts.

Cole, I see that you also dye yourself. People dying people?! What is this world coming to? I hope you don't try to dye me when I am not looking.

Its too bad all you want is mutilated fish. Maybe you can find one with three eyes. I think I am going to pierce my fish's gills. That would be "cool."

Justice for fishes!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
phish...i think thats need to settle down

you are completely wrong in what your being a jerk doesnt help bring "justice for the fishes", it just makes you look ignorant and childish


This is a stupid and cruel board. I am outta here. If you want to all laugh and marvel over blatant cruelty to animals go ahead. Maybe is more your speed. You can pretend to "love" what you keep, yet you think its a beautiful picture when there is an entire school mutilated. I doubt any other animal lovers would feel the same about their passion. Cole, you made a good point about the dyed poodle, but I guarantee that they didn't dye the poodle's fur with a needle.

Reply to his post all you want, I will not be logging back onto this pathetic site to see your ramblings. The other boards I frequent are not only more civil and knowledgeable, but they care out the animals they discuss. They don't laugh about them being injected with dye and shortening their life spans.

Good bye to all, one last thing, the new board does look great so I give props to the "boss." The rest of you, may God have mercy on your "pets."

Oct 22, 2002
I dont recall anyone laughing at the pic in the initially post. I dont know where you are making these things up phish! Im really sorry that you have to read things between the lines that are not even there. Even if no one would ever start a post like this, the fact remains that this happens and it is not going to stop even if we would stick our head in the sand. I dont agree with it but it happens. I dont believe this is a very mature attitude especially starting to blame bobrob for posting this and then accusing him that he as bad as these people doing it. We all were pretty much agreeing that this is bad until....

Hmm! Im sure I could start accusations about condemning also but thats just childish, sorry!

Sorry if I had to be blunt!

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