For all those who'd like to know...
My hair is purple. It's been that way for about a year. Oh, it's about as purple as well, as purple as one of those fish in the picture.
I did once ask an ASPCA officer if it was considered cruel to animals to dye their hair. I once saw a white poodle that had a little pink puffs on the ends of its ears. She said as long as it was done within normal grooming standards, it wasn't against the law at all or cruel so long as no uncessary restraint was used or that the dye wasn't unusually harsh or caustic. They dye use was regular human hair dye (probably the same brand I used<G>) and poodles are dogs with a coat very similar to human hair. In fact, the little thing looked cute. Pink isn't my particular favorite color, though, I thought blue would look cooler.
I also have a tattoo. A big green dragon on my lower back. From what I understand, the artist had to use a needle to inject the ink under my skin and make it permante. The process was sorta painful, it took six hours, but the end result is a really cool dragon on my lower back, a tribute actually to my all time favorite and most revered SF artist. Not that I look like a person who'd get tattoos mind you. It's faded a bit from being a few years old, but still a nice color. Probably will have it retouched in another couple of years, provided I don't get a matching blue dragon on my shoulder with the cash.
The point is...was there one? I don't remember. Oh, yeah, BobRob, please, feel entitled to think what-ever you wish of the picture and dyed fish. It was wrong for Phishkeeper to attack you personally. Wrong wrong wrong. Posting a picture and sharing your opinions is not a crime. Personally attacking the people who do should be.
Hell, the picture is cool, the colors are neat, unforutnately the way they got there isn't. Now if somebody could devise a way to breed fish those colors without dyes, I would probably have a tank just like that. Thanks for posting the pic, BTW, and sharing.