cichlids and gouramies


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Angels are beautiful. Your tank is cycled already because you had the goldfish in it...I'd start stocking right away! (unless you've let the filter dry out or what not?) Do you want to keep the danios? (they are fun crazy spastic little fish)

For Angels...I'd get three if thats what you decide you'd like to be the centerpiece of the tank. Usually you should count about 10G per angel because they get VERY large. They also do better in groups or by themselves unless they pair off and start breeding...a pair would probably just pester each other.

Then you should keep your eyes open for a nice pleco (that isn't just a common pleco because they'll get really big). and then you probably have room for a nice size school of another type of fish, and of course an apple snail (sorry had to put that in)

I think the only types of fish that people dont reccomend to put with angelfish are neon or cardinal or other small tetras (like ember tetras) as angels will eat small tankmates when they get larger. There are also some fish like Bettas or Tiger Barbs that probably wouldn't do well with the angel's long fins because they tend to be nippy. Some people would put danios in that group...but I think that you'd be ok with long as you got a large enough group of them...or got one of the long finned varities.


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
I like the idea of 3 Angels. I think i'm going to add a few zebras, some mollies and maybe some platties. I was also looking at adding a clown pleco. What do you think?
Also, if i got more than 3 angels, would they all have to be the same species?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Clown plecos are great, that would be one of the ones that "stays small" that I was talkin about.

I dont think it would matter if they were the same type of angel or not, whether you got three or 4. I think the only time it would matter is if you were planning on breeding. I dont think I'd get more than three though, because if you want to add other fish to your tank you need to leave some room.

If you've ever heard of the one inch per gallon stocking rule...basically trying to think of how big all of the fish will be when they're full grown and making sure that you have enough room for all of them (literally and spatially). So one way we illustrate that is be thinking of how many inches of fish you have in your tank. An angelfish counts for about 8-10 inches because they get HUGE, tall and long. So if you have three angels thats 24-30 inches out of the "50 inches" you have to work with.

Of course this is not a hard and fast rule...just something to try and help you plan how many of what you can put in your tank. Remembering that you should have at least 5 or so of any fish that is a "schooling" fish like the danios and you should have at least two females for every male you get that is a Livebearer (like your mollies and platys) otherwise you'll probably need to just get all males to keep them from stressing the females out. With angels and danios I dont think you'd have a problem with the livebearers overpopulating the tank if you get some. SO with those fish, 3 angels, clown pleco, 5 danios you could fit probably two trios of livebearers...but that would be it. (in my opinion anyway :) )


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Um....I honestly dont know. I dont think a UGF would be my personal choice for a 55G tank. I think I would rather run the UGF in addition to a power filter, or take out the UGF and put on a canister filter. BUT with the goldfish that were in there with the UGF you would be fine leaving it in there for now. I doubt that the fish I said when they're little would come close to making the waste that 6 goldfish did :) if you wanted to get into live plants or upgrade the filtration in the future you could.

The biggest thing you need to make sure is read up on maintenance and get used to doing weekly water changes. Some reading on the different kinds of filtration might be good too :) Did you get a gravel vac with the tank?


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
Yup it came with a gravel vac, UGF, and the power head had a filter in it (does that make it a power filter?).
sorry for all the questions - i just started last week and am trying to learn as much as possible to make sure i don't do something stupid and kill fishies.
I've done one water change so far with the gravel vac. The last owner told me that you can connect the gravel vac to the UGF to 'suck out allllll the gunk'. Is that advisable? or am i getting rid of good bacteria that way?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sounds like you're on a roll with reading as much as you can :) "Sucking all the gunk" out of the UGF is probably a good idea. Your good bacteria lives in the gravel with a ugf. You can do as much gravel vaccuuming as you want to and you wont be getting rid of any bacteria (or at least not a sizeable amount) Things that kill bacteria are chlorine and temperatures that are way too high or way too low, some medications etc.

When I said a powerfilter I kinda meant like a kind you hang on the back powerfilter. A powerhead with a filter....might be a powerfilter ;) The UGF is a lot more effecient and powerful with that powerhead on you might not need to ever change it out if you dont want to :)

Only thing you can do is read as much as you can and do what you can to avoid as many newbie mistakes as possible...but you'll still make some :) We all have, and heck we still do!


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
thanks for the quick reply. i guess the filtration seems ok. I'm going to go home today and check the water parameters, then take a sample to the LFS and check it there too. Then hopefully, i'll go home with some danios. i'll try to post tonight (if those darn cable people come by).


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
From my experince with gouramis, like discusgirl said, the gold ones are pretty aggresive. Mine chases my redtail shark around, who is twice her size. Also the paradisefish are extremely territorial, and attack anything that swims into their space. But the rest of my gouramis, they seem to be ok with each other. Most people say it isnt good to mix species, but I have had very little problems with mine. I also noticed, at work, that the kissers like to attack the others though.


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
darn i couldn't make it to the store yesterday because the cable guy had to come - he didnt even get my internet working. anyhoo, i looked at my powerhead and its a penguin 60. would that be enough for the tank without a UGF?


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
i think i'm going to go look for a hang on the back biowheel today. for some reason i thought the penguin 60 was an actual filter. it hangs on the back and has a fliter cartridge. please correct me if i'm wrong.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I was under the understanding that the powerhead attached to the UGF so that would be the filtration. I dont know if penguin makes a powerhead...but I dont think I've ever heard of a powerhead that has a filter cartridge.

At any rate...if its a powerhead that attaches to the UGF, then thats enough for the tank. Its definitely not enough for the tank w/o the UGF.

Only problem with getting a HOB Biowheel for a tank that big is that its REALLY big and loud IMO. Canister filters are much quieter. But there again..that whole personal preference thing :) You might price a Fluval404 while you're looking? Also...try their shipping and customer service is tops and I know a lot of people buy their equipment online from them. Usually their prices are so good you spend less than the store, even after paying shipping! Could also try the website...they're great too.


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
ack. the filter i have is very similar to the Penn Plax Power Filter on BigAls. Except the one i have is a penguin for upto 60 gallons. i think its an older set up because i havent been able to find it on google.
I have an airpump attached to the tubes of the UGF to create an upward current.
Does this Penn Plax thing ring a bell?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
ah ha! I've heard of PennPlax but couldn't tell ya what it was. It all makes a little more sense now :) Well if you already have a powerfilter that actually works...and are running the UGF...then you have double filtration and I dont see any reason to upgrade really. Personally I'd stock the tank and then if you decide you want to do live plants and rip out the UGF after awhile I dont think it would be that bad. (you'd just have to move the fish to a bucket, rip out the ugf, do your aquascaping etc) The powerfilter (as long as it works) should be plenty.

Your tank has been w/o fish for now long now? I think that your bacteria need some food. You should either get some ammonia to put in there or something. The tank is still setup and running right? I just dont want you to have to completely re-cycle after the goldfish already did it for you.


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2005
chapel hill, nc
thanks for the chart. i'm so excited about stocking this tank. should i get some bigger decorations? right now i have some fake plants and a few small fake coral rocks. do fish usually need more hiding room?