Matt & Orion,
Thanks a bunch!
I did get a pair of kribs this afternoon. I'll post pics tomorrow!
They are fairly comparable in size. The male is slightly bigger than the female.
The female (now maybe about 2 inches long) was the only female left. There were about 6 or 8 males in the tank. The LFS guy informed me that they were there for about 2 weeks, and all the other females were apparently "pestered to death" by the males.
Anyhow, the female I got looked good, and she was out in the open (so she was apparently not stressed enough to hide). I got the smallest male (slightly bigger than her) from the same tank.
Pretty good deal I think...the pair cost about $9.00 or so. I think they may have only charged me for one, but I'm not complaining. My job is to select fish I want; their job is to charge me accordingly. If they messed up, then so be it. (Kribs at PetCo were on special for $2.99, by the way, but they looked like crap).
The acclimation process took place over about an hour timeframe. I turned the tank lights out, and I also turned off the room lights around the tank. I floated them, then replaced about 1/4 or 1/3 of the bag water with my tank water. After about 20 or 30 minutes, I then replaced another 1/4 or 1/3 of the bag water with my tank water. I replaced the last 1/3 after another 15-20 minutes, added some stress-coat, then put them in the tank and added a bit more stress-coat.
All this was done with the tank lights and room lights out, so as to minimize stress. I was out for about 5 hours, and they were still alive when I got back.
By the way...what should I feed these guys?
The guy at the LFS recommended (and demonstrated via feeding cichlids in a 90 gallon tank) something called "Cichlid Attack (sinking pellet food)" by HBH. Does that seem appropriate?
Also, the LFS guy says they keep their tanks around 78-81 degrees F. I have adjusted mine accordingly.
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