Cichlids in a 12 gal?


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
I'm tossing around the idea of changing my 12 gallon Eclipse tank to a Cichlid tank. Can I keep my Rubberlip Pleco with Cichlids and if so, what kind of Cichlids can I have, if at all in a 12 gallon? (I'm very consistent with my water changes and test on a regular basis.) Or should I just toss this idea out of my head. :eek:


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
Katie217 said:
you could do a pair of dwarf cichlids like rams
Would they get along with my pleco? I've had him the longest and have grown attached to him (He's about 2" if I stretch him). Would I be able to have anything else in the tank, or just keep it to a pair of rams and my pleco?


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
pleco's do fine with cichlids. Katie likes her Ram's among other things and I know nothing about them... so if she thinks they'd work then I'd believe her, though, I'd watch fish sizes. Cichlids are territorial and 12gal is really small. If any, id only get 1 or 2.

My recommendation would be to either do Tropical or Semi-Aggressive Tropical with the 12 gal, and get a bigger tank for the Cichlids. But you can always try *celebrate

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Blehhhh rams and kribs, thats all you hear mentioned these days. I dislike both common for my tastes. Most of the Dwarf Cichlids should be ok. And dwarfs don't just mean rams or kribs (kribs arn't even in the "dwarf" least not on America's side of the world.) There are many many types of Apistogramma you could look into, or if you can find them....Checkerboard Cichlids (Dicrossus filamentosus).

The Checkerboards are probably the most peaceful of those mentioned in this thread. And they only grow to about 3".

As for the pleco, hit or miss. I've heard of Rams, kribs, apistos, etc all harassing plecos/loaches when they are spawning. But you should be ok keeping him and a pair of something together.

You do have another option that i might toss out there. It doesn't involve the pleco, but i'll throw it out anyway. Tanganyika Shelldwellers. They are very small, interesting fish that could live in a small tank like that.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
there are tons of nice apistos. something like an A. nijsseni pair would look realy nice. A. agassizzi are also a realy nice fish. a cockatoo dwarf cichlid wouldnt work well imo, if you want to do a single male it would be fine, but if you want a pair males need multiple females. Apistogramma trifasciata is a very beautiful fish that would look nice.

Three-Stripe Apisto - Apistogramma trifasciata
Agassiz's Apisto - Apistogramma agassizii
Banded Apisto - Apistogramma bitaeniata
Nijssen's Apisto - Apistogramma nijsseni
Rio Miua Apisto - Apistogramma sp. 'Miua'

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
ram man said:
there are tons of nice apistos. something like an A. nijsseni pair would look realy nice. A. agassizzi are also a realy nice fish. a cockatoo dwarf cichlid wouldnt work well imo, if you want to do a single male it would be fine, but if you want a pair males need multiple females. Apistogramma trifasciata is a very beautiful fish that would look nice.

Three-Stripe Apisto - Apistogramma trifasciata
Agassiz's Apisto - Apistogramma agassizii
Banded Apisto - Apistogramma bitaeniata
Nijssen's Apisto - Apistogramma nijsseni
Rio Miua Apisto - Apistogramma sp. 'Miua'
Come back to the light side Ram, freshwater! *crazysmil


Large Fish
Nov 14, 2006
Fishers, IN
Everyone has offered up some very good ideas for you! Im not sure what your LFS's are like in AZ but you may have a hard time finding some/alot of these fish. Some good LFS will order for you, but alot won't. Ive noticed has a great selection of apistos, cichilds ect. You may want to think about checking it out. Just my 2 cents for you!

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Dark side gets better dental matt. Im' thinking of getting a pair of A agassizzi...

O snap! AZ! hmmm Phoenix tropicals is a nice store to purchase cichlids from, a wide range of selection from Sa to African. I know for sure they have A. agassizzi and male pandurus, i think they also have females of both species. Aquatouch on 32nd street and cactus is another awsome store, they get in some rare species of dwarf cichlids, alot of them not many people hear about, also a good place to buy plants.

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Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
Breeze7050 said:
Everyone has offered up some very good ideas for you! Im not sure what your LFS's are like in AZ but you may have a hard time finding some/alot of these fish. Some good LFS will order for you, but alot won't. Ive noticed has a great selection of apistos, cichilds ect. You may want to think about checking it out. Just my 2 cents for you!
Thanks for the tip. There is a pretty good lfs I've been to, but it's 40 minutes away. But still fun to check out. I'll have to look at their cichlids next time I'm there.


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
ram man said:
Dark side gets better dental matt. Im' thinking of getting a pair of A agassizzi...

O snap! AZ! hmmm Phoenix tropicals is a nice store to purchase cichlids from, a wide range of selection from Sa to African. I know for sure they have A. agassizzi and male pandurus, i think they also have females of both species. Aquatouch on 32nd street and cactus is another awsome store, they get in some rare species of dwarf cichlids, alot of them not many people hear about, also a good place to buy plants.
Phoenix Tropicals? I missed that one when I was doing my search. I've been to Ocean Floor and they have a pretty good stock, though I wasn't looking at Cichlids at the time, so I'll have to check it out.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I've really appreciated it. I will probably keep things the way they are for now, as I just got my 125 gallon saltwater tank, so I'll be busy getting that started. BUT, I still want to have at least one Cichlid in my 12 gallon tank eventually, your tips have helped. Thanks!:)


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Bitaeniata are quite hard to maintain in my experience (blackwater fish needing consistently low pH, small, fragile) and panduros, nijsseni are both mean sobs as apistos go. Cacatuoides, eunotus and expecially trifasciata are easier, more durable fish. I really like the trifasciata personally.


Large Fish
Dec 3, 2006
Arizona USA
dbacksrat said:
Please don't go to Ocean Floor. They're the most overrated LFS in the state. That store really ticks me off.
lol, thanks. I did buy a Gourami from them about a year ago and I gave them all my guppies when I wanted to change things around. But besides that I've only been there two or three times. It's a drive for me, so I don't rely on them, not when I have a PetsMart just down the street from me. :p Of course they were the ones that wiped out their entire Cichlid tank. Buyer beware no matter where you go I guess. :rolleyes:

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
I was impressed with pheonix tropicals(they have some of the coolest discus ive seen) They have one section that is south american and the other is african. For cichlids i would go to them out of any other store. Aquatouch will order certain species in for you. Most of the apistos ive seen there are around 20 bucks for a male, and 40-50 for a breeding pair. If you ever want unusual fish there is pets inc. in tempe. only place that i have seen quality rams at. As far as unusual fish go they have mudskippers, vampire tetras, arowanas, hillstream loaches.