My first tank came with a load of fish, they happened to be cichlids, and for the most part, aggressive ones. Having got the set-up, I then discovered numerous incompatabilities, especialy in an overcrowded tank.
Next time I shall certainly look before I leap, but dealing with all the population problems has been a wonderful way to pick up the cichlid keeping "hobby". It has forced down my throat most of the lessons that might take others (with well balanced tanks) years to experience and overcome. I regret that my fish have had to suffer the brunt of my ignorance, yet I am also more confident that my present (and future fish) will reap the benefit from now on.
Ya just don't get that with goldfish - where's the challenge ?
Keeping cichlids is a contact sport for me, with this lot to look after - it has to be..........
55 gal...
1 blue Mbuna
1 zebra Mbuna
3 mystery Haps
1 Electric blue Hap
2 Blood Parrots
3 Oscars
1 Lima Shovel nose
3 Sailfin Plecos
1 Moorii
3 yellow Severum
3 striped Severum