

Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Having counted the cement bricks and if they are standard 16 inch contractors bricks, the pond could be 62 square feet, but because of the bucket and tub it doesn't look like its 3 feet deep. ( Meaning it could hold anywhere from 500 gallons to 1400) Petsmart and Walmart have goldfish labeled "feeder goldfish" usually for ten cents each and there are usually a couple of dead ones in the tank and they are pretty small - like about 1 inch. It wouldn't be unusual for a couple to die after you get them home. The other "goldfish" are bigger and probably at least 25 cents or more. I have always assumed that is what the difference is and that the feeder goldfish people buy to feed to other critters. I can't imagine that N. Carolina doesn't have herons or snakes. Our neighbors had both herons and an eagle clean out their trout ponds - and they were big eatable size trout! I had a bear in my little tiny pond a couple of years ago, but he just wanted a drink. Fortunately the dogs were in the house so there was no contact and we now have a fence.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I would crap my pants if there was a bear in my yard.

Actually, that's not true; we had bears at my grandparents farmhouse in Vermont a few times when I was younger, but thinking about it now seems frightening.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
The way he has it setup, and i know you cant see it because the water glared when i tried to get a picture of it, all 3 buckets are sitting on and surrounded by a big amount of rockwork which the fish hide in and also, i think i might should mention, my uncle has cats, lots of cats, so birds dont stick around long around here. the cats also have never tried to catch any of the goldfish in the pond so. These feeder fish are definetly not goldfish, they look totally different except one or two which are small goldfish, the others look more like danios in a way than they do goldfish. We do have a snake usually get in the pond each year and my uncle finds it and kills it. Snakes would be the thing id most likely be concerned by, ive never seen a live heron around my area of N.C. but i was lucky enough to see one on the way to the beach one year. To answer MK's other question, the plastic has never cracked before and he had the pond setup prior for 3 or 4 years, thanks for the heads up thou.