I have no doubts it would be better meat wise for me to do my own hunting and butchering. Its like all craftsmanship issues, if you're doing it yourself for yourself the quality will be better (if you know what your doing). But I'm not going to hunt my own cows and butcher them myself, so I accept the less than perfect meat industry. I'm sure there is a lot of grain and other things consumed by the meat industry that could feed hungry people around the world. But there are many reasons, and people to blame for that particular problem. The goal is more to make those poor nations self sufficient in their food production. However that has been hampered since back in the 60's and 70's with wacko green peace and other organizations managing to get DDT banned on some still unclear and not objectively proven side effects on causing harm and possible death to types of birds. DDT would have gone a long way to helping those poor nations grow more of their own food, in harsher climates. And then more recently, wacko environmentalist groups have convinced some third world nations not to accept genetically modified foods from us, further exasperating the problem. The song "put up a parking lot" sums this wacko position perfectly. "Mr. Farmer, put away your DDT, I don't care about spots on my apples, just give me the birds and the bee's". Easy to say, when you've got lots of apples and other food to eat.
Anyway, off to PM with this, feel free to PM me your dissertation on the meat industry, I'm always up for some interesting reading.