Clown questions, possible disease...

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ok so i got 2 False Percs on Friday. Everything has been fine so far. Today i noticed white patches starting to appear on them, more on one than the other. I havn't had ich in a lonnnnng time so i really forgot what it looks like. This i guess looks like it but it seems kinda fuzzy.

They look like they are breathing fine, seems like my current is a bit to strong for them though they are constantly trying to keep out of it near the rocks, and fighting to stay put.

My water is good from what i see, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrates/nitrites, pH 7, (These tests coming 12:30 so my eyes my throw me off....i will retest tomorrow to make sure.) temp is about 78-80. I'll test my saltinity tomorrow as well as try and get some pics tomorrow.

Just wanted to ask if it is ich, how should i go about treating it...just like a FW tank? I assume W/Cs are needed during this treatment? (Need to get some more water from the LFS..)

Just hate to see the clowns start declining after a few good days. Possible i got sick fish to start and symptoms just started showing after 4 days? I've seen a strand of white poo too, which leads my thoughts to internal parasites also...but i've had discus with white poo and nothing developed.

Oh and they seem to be nibbling at the pellets/flakes but not...eating them. They lose interest once they hit the bottem, any suggestions?

Thanks. Will check on them and this thread in the morning, hope all starts getting better....pretty sure i'm past the return date for the dead fish at the LFS.... *SLEEPING* *SICK* :confused: :(


Small Fish
Mar 22, 2005
Elgin, IL
Yeah a freshwater dip I heard is a good thing to try for parasites. Also I agree with lordroad, get some frozen food like mysis, melt it in a cup first with some tank water and try that (make sure there are some small pieces). My clowns will only eat small pieces of food and they won't eat pellets et all.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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well fresh water dips work the same way as salt water dips, but SW fish are more sensitive, if its clowns I would put them in a bucket with same temp, ph, there is less risk of shock and leave them in there for about 2-3 minutes, do this every couple days till the stuff is gone, if used in conjunction with medication it shouldnt take to long to get rid of it

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'mlosing him...O_O...

He is swimming....then stopping letting himself fall to the bottem or letting the current take him. Come near him and he spurts up again....head facing upwards and kind of paddling back and forth.......uh oh. I don't think he was healthy to begin water quality is fine is it not? My other clown seems fine.



Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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were these tank raised clowns? mortality is usually common in wild caught clowns--how long do you have left to return the deceased to the lfs? its a shame that you lost a fish so early--i feel your pain--it is very frustrating, but don't give up now that you've come this far

it's good that the fw dip had some effect--maybe in QT, the other fish will pull through

good luck


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
oh no it doesn't. All the research indicates freshwater dips are useless at best. Colotti put an ich infected fish in freshwater for 18 hours before the ich fell off. And it will do nothing for buried ich.

The only guaranteed cures are extended periods of hypo and copper. Hypo works in this situation as it prevents further ich 'free swimmers' to survive long enough to get to any fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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i thought it was a tank bread clown which would make it quite difficult to be brooklynella, and in my experience ick has fallen off in small concentrations doing multiple dips, just my experience though