Clown questions, possible disease...


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think since the hurricane season in Fl last year captive bred clowns are in short supply, and more wilds are coming in. Bizarrely tank breds are being imported from Britain to keep up with demand - I think all the black ones are from there..

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Hello all,

I'm not sure if i had tank bred or wilds or what. My LFS really doesn't post it, unless they know for sure.

Sam, the fish wasn't gasping at the surface, and didn't appear to be sunburned. It aquired some white spots up around its eye/face area and on the first white band. Then had some sort of white...."stuff" kinda clingling on his tail. It all appeared to drop off with the FW dip, however his condition didn't really improve....he still acted almost drunk.

I woke up to find the other dead with less of the white stuff on him, but still dead none the less in QT. I got my store credit back because i felt i was sold sick fish...something interal maybe? Now i do know my pH was to low so this might have attributed to some of the external stuff and the signs of disease, but i don't think it is what caused their death....i use the same exact water as the LFS. Same stuff, same city/RO filtered water, premixed salt sold by the LFS.

As for taking my Business elsewhere, i will indeed look at the other LFS for my SW stock from now on. Perhaps this is a rare occasion, because i hardly ever hear bad things about the LFS i bought from. My dad buys his SW stock from them no problems. Of course the other LFS is run by a hobbyist and he refuses to sell any fish that hasn't been through QT, sounds like a great place. He also won't sell any corals until you have the proper lighting. Only visited there once because its soooo out of the way. But i guess for healthy stock, it would be worth it. He is a nice guy with a HELL of a nice show tank. Can't not go to this LFS anymore, still to good...i just think i got the unlucky numbers that day.

Soooooo as of now, i'm going to take one of my dad's damsels that were used in the begining of his tank and put one in my tank and work to get my water right. What was i thinking buying clowns first anyway...

Live and learn, can't give up though.....minor setback that only makes me want to succeed even more. I'll be back!!! :)