Community Grows but with a price


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
I added a couple of new fish to my 60 gallon. Wrote down the names of the fish and some how I miss placed my list :(

The LFS said these would go well with what I have. But after waking up this morning I noticed my male KRIB was eaten. His fins looked good but his stomach was eaten apart.. Maybe he had issues when I did a water change (20%)
Last week I lost 1 of my 6 Tiger Barbs and really.. Do I have a murder in my tank?


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Since I lost the paper :( would you know the name? And should I return him to the tank? I examined all the other fish and don't see any injuries.
The Krib that did die, had no injuries on his fins. Could he have just croaked and the barbs just eaten his stomach?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
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Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Thanks for the heads up. I was looking around myself and it looks like if I keep them in with semi aggressive fish I'll be okay. The LFS, which I believe is good, said he would go with them.. I'm really starting to think that the krib just croaked and the locals ate him up..

Haven't seen a fight or any injuries.. I have seen the albino krib chase the barbs. Actually thinking back, the leporinus chases the barbs to. Apparently they aren't well loved :)


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
I hear yea but when I look online I get different information from different websites. And you know the truth is you can't believe what you read on the internet.
The issue isn't money, I keep my receipt :)
The issue is I don't like seeing some fish getting beaten up and dying. 2 years ago I had 5 Tiger barbs in a 20 gallon and one would attack the rest.. All that I read and looked at told me that wouldn't happen. But apparently I got one that did.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1.=definitely leporinus, big mean,, aggressive, hell on plants, but will eat anything. Amazonian
2- = pictus cat. Not so big (prolly 6, 7 inches max) predatory catfish. Like to feed at night, so no bothers catching fast moving fish.Amazonian
3. Can't think of the name of that botia (or was a botia ....).Meainsh, territorial

I see your point round websites being full of conflicting advice, but frankly the advice from most lfs's is pretty dire. I was being polite there.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I'd return the lot of them personally. Return them, check out the tanks and see what appeals and write it all down. Ignore the idiot who suggested them. Get back to us and check out Baensch. Barron's has a neat little pocket guide -- waterproof cover, the height of a paperback but half the width, Aquarium Fish from A - Z (I think that's the title, my copy is out on loan but I got it at Border's) -- it has a good pic of each fish (3/page) and a brief but thorough description, probably the best I've seen available to the average fancier even tho he's pretty militant about tank size. (not a bad thing) ;)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
You can always try the library -- they should have Baensch. Axelrod is ok too but I really recommend that Barron's book. There are some good websites out there also, especially this one! The hard part about a website such as this is all too often newbies get a month under their belt and start giving advice also. You just have to filter all the info from all the sources a bit. :) The old profiles are still up and they're pretty good:

There are plenty of very informative sites, planet catfish springs readily to mind. Even in the same room, informed aquarists don't always agree, so some perfectly accurate information may seem somewhat contradictory -- just take everything with a grain of salt, especially if someone is trying to sell you something.


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
kristalAK said:
This is completely off subject, and I do apologize in advance. But I just wanted to say that since those pictures were linked of the 3 fish, I now know what my catfish is! He's a pictus! Thanks alot!!!
heheh.. no problem.. I've just recently got back into keeping fish again and find this site to be one of the best. People here are really nice and helpful. Right now I think I'm learning more here than at college :p


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
I'm going to look at my college library and see if they have that book, if not I'll order it from Amazon. Right now I think I'm going to keep the botia and pictus. They are in groups and seem to follow what I read about them on the internet. The pictus just chase one another and the botia just hides.

On the other hand I'm really thinking the Leporinus could cause issues down the line. I'm picking up another 55 gallon tank (for free :) ) and was thinking of making it a Cichlid tank... Now I'll have to give it a thought.. BTW some of the cichlids I have seen have a natural appeal to me because of their colors.


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Seleya said:
You can always try the library -- they should have Baensch. Axelrod is ok too but I really recommend that Barron's book. There are some good websites out there also, especially this one! The hard part about a website such as this is all too often newbies get a month under their belt and start giving advice also. You just have to filter all the info from all the sources a bit. :) The old profiles are still up and they're pretty good:

There are plenty of very informative sites, planet catfish springs readily to mind. Even in the same room, informed aquarists don't always agree, so some perfectly accurate information may seem somewhat contradictory -- just take everything with a grain of salt, especially if someone is trying to sell you something.

I took your advice and went and got BARRON'S FISH HANDBOOK.
And I must say it looks impressive so far.


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
Pure said:
#3 is a painted botia, also gets big and mean. Often kept with african cichlids.
Could I ask where you got this information? I checked the net and couldn't find that they where big in mean. And after buying Barrons it says to keep this guys in a community tank. They are nocturnal..


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
It depends on the size of the fish at the time you lost them.... But pictus are beautiful, Fast , manouverable and have mouths of a size you wouldn't believe... If we are talking Adult Rummy nose tetra size.... My two pictus dined on 18 Cardinals and 18 Rummy nose over a month or two before I realised that a 4" fish could DO that... It happens at night while the "Day Shift" are asleep. When they wake up they are in a Pictus. If you keep all fish about the same size and with PLENTY of nooks and crannies to hide in, it does help.
I know the Botia as a BLUE Botia.. It is a little territorial on occasion but IN MY EXPERIENCE no problem in a community tank.. (Unless of course you know differently)

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Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
WOw, Thanks for the feedback. I've tried to create an atmosphere in the tank for fish to hide or have some form of protection.

Sometimes experience is all you have to rely on :p