Compact flourecent striplights


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
NW Arkansas
Where can i find these?  Ive looked at my local hardware stores and havent found them. Ive seen them in fish magazines but for a 29 gallon it would cost me $100 whereas im looking for something around 20-40 dollars

Find yourself a old incadesnent strip light fixture and put foil in the striip light and then use phillips marathon flourecent bulbs, they work great and u will save a ton of money !!
if u do a search on here there is a link to someoenes site who shows u how to make it from scratch for a few dolllars



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Well, I was looking at some CF's at the local walmart (23$ canadian each) in the most unlikely area... They were utility lights (for working on cars etc) That was for everything... All you'd need to do is add a reflector (could be crudely/simply made) Some of them (there were a few different ones) even said they were water resistant.


Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
the overdriving redturquoise mentioned works idid that to mine and boy it make a difference just make sure u don't cross the wires or else u'll know why (just some common sense)

i had two old light strips from a friend who upgraded his lighting and the ballast was on the plug itself most current ones i know are built inside but this made if more convenient for me  ;D

here's some more links of ideas

if ur lucky like i was i got two pc strips 2x36 each for around 100 bucks total it was from a lfs that was going out of business sadly they closed this weekend  :'( one i haven't used yet but thats going onto my 45gal i also got when i set that up and the other one i have on my 30gal planted

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
if u gonna do gutter lights i recomend using the aluminum gutter i used a plastic one and after time the area above the bulbs is kinda burnt and at least with the aluminum heat dissapates better, i haven't been able to find the "book worms" on the reef centeral post, they said they find them at menards but there's only homedepot and ace hardware around here and they don't have them but similar work lights

Hey Guys I bought a whole bunch of canopy's this wknd at pets mart, they were practically giving them away at 20$ a pop no matter what the size of your tank was
i payed 20$ for a 29gallon and 3 55g and 1 125g
anyhoo im starting out small and doing the 29 first
I want to do the over volting ?
i bought everything at home depot, not sure how im going to make the arc for the lights, i just bought some bendable alum/steel thats super light and flexible to use
my main problem is i cannot find anything up near the 6500k range in a 24in bulb highest i can find is made my sadco ?
puts out 17watts at 5000k


Oct 22, 2002
Forget the K factor. Not that important. More important is the intensity of the light. If you get at least a 5500K tube, your fine.

The 'K' value for fluorescents refers to the 'color temperature'. I know this sounds funny but when you understand what 'color temperature' means, it makes sense. 'Color Temperature' refers to the temperature to which one would have to heat a "black body" source to produce light of similar spectral characteristics. So it other words the object would 'grow' at certain color at that specific heat. Kinda of interesting I think. The standard unit for color temperature is Kelvin.

About growing plants, I think that everyone would agree that the 'color temperature' or K value of the light source should match or be very close to a sunny day around noon. Am I correct?

Well, the K factor of sunlight around noon is 5500K.

About the overdriving of fluorescents, check out

If you go to the reefcentral link, you will find more info, even pics for connections.

Good luck!  *thumbsupsmiley*

Yea i read most of the stuff on reefcentral jsut wanted advice of someone that has done it, what should i be more concerned with when lookign for the bulbs then ?
i belive all 24in are 17w yes ?
so double that would be 34 X3 for a 29g tank shoudl be darn good huh ?
question is i bougth 4 24in bulbs and 2 of the ballasts
i'd like to conserve money and use one only on the 29
is that possible ? to get the wattage up th ere with just the one ballast ?
also what in the bulb do i look for
the higher the k teh better for ??
and also what about cri and lumens ?
what kinda bulb do u use  ?

Oct 22, 2002
Hmmm, wraps around the lights? Like a reflector? I bought one at the lfs. Never tried using aluminum. Thought about it though.

I use pressurized C02 system. I bought a 10lb. C02 cylinder for around $120Cdn. and refills are $10Cdn. Phone a welding supply shop but do not rent or lease. Find someone that sells them.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
if it's the reflector ur lookin for u could try mylar, aluminum foil, polished aluminum flashing, i heard there is mirror acrylic sheets haven't seen them but try they got some info on reflectors
i got a light strip for 5 bucks for 20watt used and it has  mirror like reflector in it and it works great

my first diy reflector i had somemylar ballon from my sisters bday party and well i just read about mylar reflectors and i just cut them open they're reflective inside and taped them inside a gutter light it works ok