Compact flourecent striplights

Oct 22, 2002
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
What? You cant put your tank on hold!  >:(

Can I come too?  ;D When are you going? Where are you staying. My wife and I are going to Cancun in January. I cant wait. And I would love to go scuba diving however my wife does not so I guess I'll be snorkelling all day.

Make sure you take lots of pics. We were thinking of going to Cozumel but decided on Cancun instead because its the first time going to Mexico.

were staying at the fiesta americana 400 for everything air hotel and food and drink
its right near a very good reef
5min walk, i been to cancun 10yrs ago it was nice but way overcrowded and that was 10yrs ago
i reallllllllllly wanted to go diving, but not enough time to get certified :( so snorkling will be all but i read about a few intro scuba stuff where u learn a little about it and they let u go near a reef that is only 30 feet deep
O and lots of dive trips are ok for both scuba and snorkel !!
so u can take your wife and do both !
and ill be taking lots of pics, i bought 4 u nder water cameras at walmart today for 7.50 each compared to 20$ when i was in the carribean last year

Does anyone have any good designs or what to use for a reflector ?

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
check out or just use wht i mentioned and line theinside of the light canopy

if u gonna scuba dive and take those quickie instructions from there then just make sure as u surface breath in and out and go slowly to the surface that and equalizing pressure every couple feet u go down and take me with u!!!!!!! lol have fun!!!

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
i got certified through my college wasn't cheap alright i haven't been ablet o go diving lately b/c equipmentrentals and cost of a trip just don't fit in my wallet i still snorkel just in pools lol u'll find some interesting things on the bottom lol
when i got certified we went to a old rock quarry turned into lake in the 30's in the middle of winter in Pennsiylvania boy water must have been around 40's but lots of interesting things u find in there old milk truck, construcion crane couple sunken boats lots of fish hehe