i do know that my uncle used to breed alot of cichlids (oscars, firemouths and convicts) and he kept firemouths and convicts together and they they crossbreed, i wouldn't try and sell them, but firemouth convict hybrid are pretty, even if they were an accident. they will still look alot like a convict but with a red stomach and some iridecent spots like a firemouth would have, other than that they look like black convicts.
i do know that my uncle used to breed alot of cichlids (oscars, firemouths and convicts) and he kept firemouths and convicts together and they they crossbreed, i wouldn't try and sell them, but firemouth convict hybrid are pretty, even if they were an accident. they will still look alot like a convict but with a red stomach and some iridecent spots like a firemouth would have, other than that they look like black convicts.