convict questions

Jul 23, 2004
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certifiably insane? this is TEMPORARY, are you local pet stores "certifiably insane" as well? almost every major pet store ive been too, has like 10-25 jd's in a 15 gal. or the same with the others as well, again this is TEMPORARY! ive not had a problem with them for the past few months, only recently have i added these others. my JD's arent very big maybe 3-4in. the others in the tank are smaller than that. i have them all set up in theyre territories, the only one i have trouble from is the firemouth, the others dont bother a soul. thanks for your input mori


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2004
Bangor MI
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One thing about LFS' is that they have a large filter system so they can keep alot of fish in a small tank. But the reason they are so crowded at the lfs is so that they can have more to sell AND because it is temporary, they plan on most of the fish being sold within a week or two

Jul 9, 2003
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ya, i would say that local petstores are certifiably insane. using pet stores as your model for how to keep fish (or any other animal for that matter) is an atrocious way to try to keep your fish. As fishguy said, they have (typically) a massive filter system, which filters the water far more often than a lot of hobbyists do.

Overstocked tanks stress out the fish, leading to deaths(obviously from lack of space) as well as diseases like ick, which are usually only found when the fish are eitehr stressed or kept in poor water conditions (both of which would almost certainly apply to your tank).


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2004
Bangor MI
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Dude, you worryin about breeding your convicts when theres somthin more important that needs to be taken care of. you should take the Jacks back unless you seriously plan on buying a much larger tank within the next few months. You say TEMPORARY but its best to take care of them sooner then later. Anyway u should take them back to the LFS, there are alot of other cichlids that you could have in a 30 and if you really like jacks then get a few later on when you have the space

Jul 23, 2004
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Again, as I stated before, I am a beginner at this hobby, and im am most certainly not basing my aquaria on the lfs! my water quality is just fine as well, i do my weekly water changes, my nitrate and nitrite levels are where they need to be, i clean my gravel regularly, look i appreciate your input, and i do plan on upgrading sometime, just until then ill take back what i should, or give to friends for temporary keeping. thanks a bunch *celebrate