Coral line algae yay!


Medium Fish
Nov 19, 2006
YahooFishKeeper said:
no... i highly suggest NOT getting a seahorse. your tank is new, and you dont just get animals and throw them in so they solve all your problems. if anythink, id say an emerald crab.
Not seahorse seahare. No, throwing in animals to solve all your problems is not acceptable weather it be emerald crab or seahares, but these are very important for the natural balance of your tank..without a decent clean up crew you will have alot of problems with waste or algae.
I didn't think about stating the obvious.. sorry, which is the first rule of SW keeping..As long as your tank has been cycled and can sustain life without stress and you have no major problems with huge nitrite, nitrate spikes, ph, Sg, alk, or ammonia you are ready to start adding a clean up crew of any kind. Seahares are pretty much indistructable..they need the right kinds of foods like the hair algae. They are not sensitive to water conditions like crabs are, they have a thick layer of slimy coating to protect them and they do a way better job than emeralds. Poor water conditions will make crabs molt excessivly, and they are very vonerable at that stage, excessive molting will lead to death. Seahares do not molt and can live in varied conditions, no they will not hurt anything in your tank, they are squishy and have no claws, no teeth and nothing bothers them. There is only 2 things you ever have to even consider and one is inking...but you really have to kill them for this to happen, this means squishing or dropping on the floor, etc.. and 2 they can slowly starve to death but this is unlikely if you feed them supplements, and your tank has absolutely no algae, I doubt you will ever have NO algae. They are strick herbevours. Hope this helps you, but remember follow the rules of SW, don't even consider any animals before your tank is ready.:)

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
hmm i guess I'll see i like them both and i guess I'll see what i find at the store I'm leaning to seahares since my uncle said he had fish deaths with a emerald crab and inking is that like how when they die they leak toxic in the water or is this something else?


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
I lean more towards what FWSWBW said...but crabs are sooo cool.
There are many different things you can do when it comes to a cleanup crew.
I suggest a nice variety of snails, they live for eating algae.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
this is the first time ive ever heard sum one say seahorses are indesructable :eek: from what iv heard they are very hard to keep and i belive they require very low water flow (wich isnt so great for a reef tank) ive had at least 10 people tell me not to get seahorses expecialy as a beginner and if you do get seahorses its best to keep them in a seprate tank is also what i was told.... so i would have to say no its not a good idea and yes an emerald crab is what you need ;)

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
TRe said:
this is the first time ive ever heard sum one say seahorses are indesructable :eek: from what iv heard they are very hard to keep and i belive they require very low water flow (wich isnt so great for a reef tank) ive had at least 10 people tell me not to get seahorses expecialy as a beginner and if you do get seahorses its best to keep them in a seprate tank is also what i was told.... so i would have to say no its not a good idea and yes an emerald crab is what you need ;)

LOL, he said Seahares not Seahorses... you and Yahoo... lol :)


Medium Fish
Nov 19, 2006
LOL*laughingc *laughingc Oh gosh...yea I can see how when you quick read how it looks like seahorse...I feel like Arnold in the Kindergarter teacher "IT'S NOT A TUMOR" Ok say it like Arnold... "IT'S NOT A SEAHORSE" Hey dude what ever you want, you can get both..I would start out with some crabs and see how it goes..get some hermits, snails and emeralds..a few of each then if you feel like you need the seahare I can point you in the right direction...I know ppl... wink wink
Inking is when the seahare is very stressed or dieing they release a black chemical to ward off enemies..this can be semi toxic to certain fish if they injest I said last resort, like when a bumble bee stings, it will die. Some ppl I know have had one ink when it was squished by a big rock that tumbled down on them but with a quick water change all was fine. This is very rare, I also know some other ppl who sell them and all the years of selling and handling have never had one ink, so like anything in this hobby you take your chances. If you don't want to take the chance stick with emeralds.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Awesome. They are so cute. Mine usually comes out when it is dark. A few days back I took half of an algae wafer and offered it to him. He grabbed it from my fingers as if he was starving for days. Although I have noticed tiny creatures running around on his claws.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
lol yea i figured I'll have to get him some algae stuff later on because i think my algae will last him awhile it is crazy the hair algae has doubled i mean it's everywhere... I've been using pure water for the past few wc but it still seems to be growing like wild fire and yea he has been hiding all day i hope... and they fed them brine shrimp and he gave me a few for him and he was funny watching him sit still and then jump and attack the little shrimp when it got close to him