Cories in love


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
I have two skunk or arched cories cats in a 10 gal aquarium with a blue gourami and i have a extra 10gal aquarium for breeding.I think i might get another two of them to ensure the spawning unless i'm really unlucky .Here the questoin does anybody know how to breed these fish?What would i feed the young and is a 10 gal aquarium big enough for breeding? ???

A 10 gallon tank is perfect.
I usually set up using a air driven foam filter,temperature of 78F,neutral to slightly acid.
Feed them well for a week using bloodworm, brineshrimp or any live food you can find.
Start to cut back on feeding and remove small quantities of tank water until the level is down to about a half, then fill tank back up with water at 72F, this will chill the corys slightly but will do no harm, they should breed within 24 hours.
Good Luck. 8)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What I ment was that you not allowing them to survive was the best thing. I think I confused you on that one. I think hybrids are a horrible thing as most end up with deformities. When I said how will I know I ment so that if they do I can remove the eggs before they hatch so that they can't survive. I know they would look different from the others. ;D