Cory Looking a Little "Shabby"


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
55 Gal. 5 Swordtails, 1 Male Guppy, 2 Plecos, 1 alge eater, 2 Peppered, and 2 Albino Cories. Tank Conditions are as close to perfect as you can get.

One of the Albino Cories Tail Fin is just about "chewed" off. He's still acting normal, still swims around fine. Eats Fine. No other marks on him or any of the other fish.

Do I isolate him in a "hospital tank" until it grows back? Or just keep my eye on it? I looked for a disease, but couldn't find one, mostly because it's just that One Symptom.

Any Suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I'd put him in the hospital tank and use Melafix which should aide healing considerably. You'll probably want to keep an eye on the tank to find out who the bully is too (I'm going to guess the algae eatter if it's a Chinese Algae Eatter).

But I would also double check the perameters on your main tank just to make sure it's not fin rot brought on by high nitrates or something.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
I "Think" it's a Chineese Algae Eater. It does look like all the pictures I've seen of them. It was given to me about 2 years ago by a friend, who was moving, and didn't want to just "get rid of it". It was in this tank when I decided to Refurbish back in March. Just left him in there. He's so hardy, my son calls him "Survivor Fish". I've Never observed ANY kind of aggression out of it before. But I'll keep my eye on him.

If I do use the Melafix, and separate the Cory, I'm guessing his fin will grow back just fine?

I'm scheduled to do a water change tonight anyway, so I'll double check my water quality too.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Yup if he's on his own he should be able to grow back the fin pretty quickly. They heal pretty well the little cories.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
Water Parameters were just short of Excellent. pH was a little low at 6.6, Ammo = 0, Ites - 0, Ates a little high at 40. Did the scheduled 50% change.

I started a 2.5 gal Hospital Tank with a Sponge Filter that I had in one of my 1 gal jugs, that has been running for about 6 weeks. I placed the Cory in a Breeder in the 55 Gal., just to keep him separated for a few days, until the Hospital Tank water passes the tests. I have the Melafix reasdy to do as well.

I'll report back with progress. If you see I am doing something wrong, please let me know. Thanks TabMorte.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Sounds like you're doing okay. Just keep an eye on him for signs of stress while he's in the breeder (my cories get pale when they're stressed I've noticed but in an albino you can't use that as an indicator!)


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
It's official...The Albino Cory has been named "Chewy"...partly because my son LOVES Star Wars, but mostly because his fins look all "chewed".

Today is Day 1 in the Hospital Tank.

The Melafix says 5 mls (1 tsp) per 10 gallons. The Hospital Tank is 2.5 gals. Therefore, I'm putting in about 1 ml. I "think". How does one measure 1 ml? And if I OD on Mealfix...will this do more harm than Good?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
An OD of Melafix shouldn't hurt. I use an oral syring for small doses of stuff, the kind you use for pet meds. But in your case just put in a drop or two if you don't have one.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
So today is Day 7 in the Hospital Tank.

Chewy is demonstrating normal activity the whole time.

The top fin hasn't grown back at all, but the "jagged edges" are gone.

The rear Fin, is also not jagged anymore, doesn't look like it has grown back too much.


How long do you think I need to keep this up? Not impatient, it's just that the Melafix bottle said, 7 days of treatment.

And if I need to continue until i'm satisfied with the fins growing all the way back, do I do water changes of ??%, every ?? Days?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I would keep him in there for about 5 more days at very least, and if you're not satisfied with his healing by then keep him in there still. I generally have a 14 days minimum in the hospital tank policy with my fishes.

With Melafix I do water changes every 3 days. I can't remember what it says on the bottle.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2008
Aston, PA
On the Melafix Bottle is says every 7 days do 50% Change, but I think erring on the side of caution, every 3 days would be better, but a little less water change.

So if I use these rules I shold be OK:

1 - Keep them in 14 days minimum, AND I am satisfied with the healing.

2 - 25% Change every 3 days

I'm goning to snap a picture or 2 tonight so you can see what he looks like now. I wish i took some pics when i put him in there, but oh well. You'll get the idea.