Could anyone sex these rams ?

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005

Hey, all this i said about will they breed i take it back !!!! before, i saw my female cleaning a stone and then the next minute the male and female spawning !!!! this is the best day of my fish keeping life !!!!!!!! ive got some pics of them and i took like an hour long video watching them!! obviously the new ram was a male, there is about 100-150 eggs on that small stone their behaviour is fascinating !! .... now what do i do ? :cool:


What are your water params? Water too hard might make it difficult for the eggs to hatch. Make sure circulation in your tank isn't too strong and if you've got a power filter place a peice of sponge over the intake so the the fry don't eventually get sucked up. Rams are notorious for being not so good parents, often leaving the eggs unattended or eating the eggs themselves. If your rams are good parents (they guard the nest site, mouth the eggs to keep them clean, fan the eggs, etc.) you can expect to find wigllers in a few days. The parents will dig pits in the substrate and orally place their fry in the pits. The fry are moved constantly. When the fry absorb their yold sac you should begin feeding freshly hatched baby brine, micro worms, and powdered fry food. I wouldn't expect many or any fry to survive in a tank with anyone else other than the parents in there so you're better off placing tankmates in another tank.
If the parents don't seem to take an interest in their eggs you can try hatching and raising them yourself by placing the eggs and substrate (rock) they were laid on in a gravel free tank (at least 10gls) near a colonized sponge filter to serve as a "fanning parent". It's important for oxygen to pass over the eggs (gently!) to keep the alive and from fungusing. A few drops, enough to tint the water blue, should also prevent fungusing of unfertilized eggs. Wait till the fry absorb their yolk sacs and begin feeding.
Don't lose hope right off the bat if your rams don't take to the parenting gig right away. It often takes them a few tries before they get it right. Some of them just never get it. Be patient and see what works.
Congradulations! *thumbsups

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
what do you mean by params ? My pH is round about 6-7 and my water is soft, when they fan the eggs, is that where they hover round the stone and let their fins brush over them gently ??they guard the eggs mostly its the male that guards them but their is some stages where hes not on top of the eggs, hes just near by watching them, the female sometimes cleans the eggs, ive only seen her do this once, but she may have done it in the night aswell, is this good parent hood and which colour do the fertile eggs turn ?? is it white ??


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
This post totally confused me on who's pictures are what and which fish are in question....but if it's the blue rams above, The top one is male and the bottom one may be a female. They are sick looking...but, in males the second ray on the dorsal fin is longer and females (when in good health) usually have pink bellys.

By "params" I mean water parameters, pH, GH, KH, nitrates, etc.
If the eggs are infertile they will turn white. Doesn't sound good for this batch. Not to worry though. If they've bred this time you can be sure that they'll be back at it soon enough. As for their parenting abilities, they sound like they're trying to get the hang of it. Disinterest could also mean that they know the batch isn't good. They're trying though so give them time.

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
Thanks fo rthe help........
there was a few white eggs on the side of the rock, ......... i got home from school today ........ saw no eggs ? just shells :( then i dashed to my lfs to ask whats happend and because it was their first spawn, theyve eaten the eggs, they were soooooo close to hatching out, but they said they need like 4-5 more tries before the fry survive, but no worries, maybe next time.......
Adam :)


Small Fish
May 14, 2005
Southern California
I don't want to raise any hopes but there might still be fry. As mentioned above parents will move the fry from pit to pit after hatching so they often go undetected until they are free swimming.
If not then, again, they'll give it another go soon enough. Keep the temp in the 80 to 84*F (I don't remember what that would be in Celcius) range. Rams thrive in the higher end of the temp range and eggs should hatch in 2 days at this temp. Fry become free swimming in another 3-6.


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
Alot of time, especially for dwarf cichlids, discus and angels, if they don't spawn in soft acidic water one of two things happens often.

1) The harder water makes the shells hard and sperm can not penetrate the eggs, and

2) The eggs get attacked by fungus, which is why often they turn white and just dissappear - because the parents eat them in the hopes of keeping the fungus from spreading to the rest of the nest. That is why discus breeders often use ro water to breed. I also have rams, which ideally are good tankmates for discus and have alot of the same needs as far as water quality