

Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Here are some random pics of my SWT for all to see.

Moon lights that follow the lunar cycle as for brightness

Nice pic of my watchman goby and zoo frag I moved from mother colony

Mother Colony... bought in Feb

Can anyone name the type of anemone these are? If you guess right I will give you one:D I started with two last fall and now there are about 15... my daughter loves them...:rolleyes:
One of these days i'll get some new pics taken... lots of subtle changes over the last few months like the basic coralline growth and pics of the percs...


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
:rolleyes: Yes I was being sarcastic and good call on the majanos.
They are know sometimes as mini pinktip tulip anemones... they are pretty cool and they don't spread anywhere close to as much as aptasia/glass anem. can and does... It started with two last september and is now at about 16 or so.... me and the fam rather like them and kalk or the like will kill them so I am not worried.... no they aren't close to the zoo's... yet:D

CAPSLOCK-- the psuedo is a purple dottyback... I had to put him in a side tank incorporated with the main via the sump so he wouldn't kill the clowns... he took out my daughters blue/green chromis's pretty quick :(

I have kinda wanted to get a tiger pistol to go with the goby but have worries of him tunneling too much and toppling the rockwork...

I think I am more leaning towards making this an invertabrate tank rather a typical reef... no stonies lps sps. The lighting upgrade would cost me about 6-700 bucks... 3 kids n a mortgage limits spending a bit :rolleyes:


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Hey, thanks for welcoming me!!! I don't know everything and have my own bias about SW husbandry, but I hope I can help out where I can.... I have done ALOT of reading/research about SW since I got into it and am always trying to learn more n more as I go...
I feel spoiled seeing and having SW fish etc and now when I look at FW fish I think they are kinda bland n boring... no offense meant to anyone not a salty*PEACE!* I love the challenge that SW poses compared to FW tanks.

Likes: Limi310


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Yeah, I've read that you want to put the LR directly on the bottom glass (in other words, before you add the sand) if you're going to have digging/tunneling critters.

I think you're anemones look pretty and quite happy ;)

You need a fairy wrasse :D