Dario dario - I hope I get at least one female!

Feb 27, 2009
I got frustrated with the way the pics now seem to be not showing like they used to (did that make sense in English??), so didn't put up the last couple of them. I have a lot more plants in now and in addition to the 3 otos and 1 snail (that I've seen so far), hubby talked me into putting 6 of our Chili Rasbora in there for now. They are easy to catch so can move them back to the 40 gallon with the other 20 or so in there when the Dario dario get in.

The light is one I had used on a saltwater tank years ago. Its a Coralife fixture, and holds 2 CFLs that can be up to 65 watts each. You can run one or both (and when both are lit, a fan runs). You also have the ability to turn on moonlights.

In a high light planted tank I used to have (29 gallon), I ran one light for 12 hours, then the 2nd light kicked in for the middle 8 hours. Then after all lights were out, I'd put the moonlights on in the evening so I could see the fish that came out at night more.

For now, I'm just running one (they are both 55 watts, 6500K bulbs). If I decided to add CO2 to this tank, I can use both lights, but growth will be a lot of work to maintain with mostly stem plants in there. But then again, I can give/sell/trade plants if I do that...decisions decisions!

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Feb 27, 2009
My Dario dario arrived, and as promised, I got a male and 2 females!

They are busy hiding in the plants but I did get a few pics of them in one corner before they darted back into hiding. When I fed the rasbora, they smelled food in the water and were much more animated, but still stayed hidden. I will give them a few days then tempt them out with some live blackworms if necessary.

The girls are hanging out together in some Bacopa monnieri, while the male has decided that the rock on the left with an Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite' in front of it is his home for now. From a distance and with just the moonlights on now, I've seen him out and about, but he darts back 'home' often.

Even with a heatpack in the box, they arrived on the cold side. The temp was right at 70. I spent an hour drip acclimating them and brought them slowly up to tank temperature of 77. They seem no worse for the wear.