heres a little profile:
common name: otocinclus, oto
scientific name: otocinclus affinis
origin: brazil, south america
diet: herbivore
max. size: around 2 inches/5 centimeters
temperature: 68 degrees-79 degrees fareinheight (spelling?)/ 20-26 degrees celcius
otos are diurnal and can be very hard to breed
so... ive noticed alot of people keep like 1 oto or 2 in huge tanks...and i just thought id make this thread just to inform people about otos. first of all, THEY LIKE TO BE IN GROUPS!! otos love to be in groups and are much happier in groups. they work better in groups also (eat algae, help keep a tank clean). otos are GREAT with algae, so if you have an algae problem, i recommend a group of otos for the job. if you have a larger tank, have a larger group of otos! i have a 29 gallon with 6 otos and theyre great. id recommend like at least around 10 otos in a 55 gallon...theyre much less shy in groups, people!! much more fun to watch when theyre in groups and they swim around more often too . so, thats it. i just thought id inform some of you that keep 1 or 2 otos. keep in mind im not saying youre bad for only keeping 1 or a few just recommending that you keep them in groups for their hapiness. theyre fine alone, but i think theyre much happier in groups.
this message was funded for by the DNYO group (dont neglect your otos) anybody with opposing positions or anything to add?
edit: oh and another thing, this is the same with cories...ive noticed alot of people like to keep like 1 cory of each kind in a group of different types of cories...i think theyd rather be in a group of their own kind. please also keep cories in groups (and schooling fish of course like danios, tetras, etc.)
common name: otocinclus, oto
scientific name: otocinclus affinis
origin: brazil, south america
diet: herbivore
max. size: around 2 inches/5 centimeters
temperature: 68 degrees-79 degrees fareinheight (spelling?)/ 20-26 degrees celcius
otos are diurnal and can be very hard to breed
so... ive noticed alot of people keep like 1 oto or 2 in huge tanks...and i just thought id make this thread just to inform people about otos. first of all, THEY LIKE TO BE IN GROUPS!! otos love to be in groups and are much happier in groups. they work better in groups also (eat algae, help keep a tank clean). otos are GREAT with algae, so if you have an algae problem, i recommend a group of otos for the job. if you have a larger tank, have a larger group of otos! i have a 29 gallon with 6 otos and theyre great. id recommend like at least around 10 otos in a 55 gallon...theyre much less shy in groups, people!! much more fun to watch when theyre in groups and they swim around more often too . so, thats it. i just thought id inform some of you that keep 1 or 2 otos. keep in mind im not saying youre bad for only keeping 1 or a few just recommending that you keep them in groups for their hapiness. theyre fine alone, but i think theyre much happier in groups.
this message was funded for by the DNYO group (dont neglect your otos) anybody with opposing positions or anything to add?
edit: oh and another thing, this is the same with cories...ive noticed alot of people like to keep like 1 cory of each kind in a group of different types of cories...i think theyd rather be in a group of their own kind. please also keep cories in groups (and schooling fish of course like danios, tetras, etc.)
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