Dragon search 2

Apr 24, 2006
Nashville, Illinois
Is the 20 gallon tank that I have Ying in big enough for him? It is 2 feet long, 1 foot wide, and about 14 inches tall. If it isn't big enough then I've got a problem. I can't afford a larger tank. Should I maybe save up money incase he gets to big so I can get another tank? How can I transport him if he's too big for the 20 gallon tank?


Small Fish
Apr 12, 2006
I looked it up, but I can't find out how fast it grows. I do not have this fish. It should reach at least 18in, so for that you ought to have about a 200+ gallon tank, I'm afraid. Until it gets to be about 8in you could keep it in a 50g I would guess. Best idea would probably be to take it back, it seems like a monster fish if you don't have the resources.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Perhaps a good idea would be to go search other forums for messages pertaining to violet gobies. If any vg owners see this thread and have any useful input, I'm sure they'll post up. It could be that very few people here have one or consider their experience with one to have been successful; however, the fishing might be better in another pond.

Apr 24, 2006
Nashville, Illinois
I found a website with relyable information because the person who wrote the information has raised dragon fishes. Incase anyones wondering they do not eat small fish. The person did an experiment by putting a very small fish and a violet goby together. No problems ocurred with them. They were observed to be very hardy fish preferring a warm temperature and a ph of around 7.5. It does live in brackish water but can be acclimated to fresh or salt water. I have a question, the website said that a dragon fish can live up to ten years. Is this an over estimation or is it true?