Dragon search 2

Jan 13, 2006
not many people keep them due to the fact they are not one of the easiest fish to keep, they can be hard to feed, prone to disease, need different water requirements, get very large, and tend to eat anything that fits in their mouth, and they also arent one of the "prettiest" fish out there, i loved mine, and he was very cool to watch. but..... mine rarely ever ate, was always hiding, and ate4 a pebble and died from it, so they arent too intelligent either, and YES you will need a larger tank when he gets full grown, and this is just an assumption but i would say it takes them about 2 years to reach full length, mine grew 2-3 inches in about 6 months and he was about 7-8 inches when he died.

Dragon, ten years is not too uncommon of a life span for VG's, given that they are provided with proper water conditions, the proper food, and a large enough tank. The largest recorded VG in captivity was some 15 years old (I believe, I cant find the web site again, but I'm looking for it) and about 26" long. Unfortunately most die an untimely death due to mis-information by pet stores, or lack of research by their owners.

Apr 24, 2006
Nashville, Illinois
Sorry for my absence. I'm having computer troubles and am at the library. Wow, I never knew any store boughten fish could possibly live that long. The longest I've ever heard of was 27 inches long and died in '05 at five years old. It was extremely ugly, no offense to anyone. Will mine get ugly too?