Dwarf Cichlid Idea

alright, pablo111 no need to tell people to shut up about hybrids, thanks for the info though. It helps me alot!:D . I have had Aquadeins Maronii(now Clethriacara). AKA: Keyhole Cichlids, I have had them and yes they are adorable. Now i'm hoping that no pairs form if i try the dwarf cichlid idea. I thought about Kribs and i'm not going to buy them.

So if I have a 55 gallon with:
German Blue Rams
Bolivian Rams
Keyhole Cichlids
Goldeneye Dwarf Cichlids
Checkerboard Cichlids
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids
Laetacara Dorsigera

Is that ok?

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well you're still going to get a collision between the 2 types of rams, goldeneyes, checkerboards and cockatoos I think. The floorspace of a 55 is not that huge. I have apistos spawning in a community tank right now, and the female is comfortably protecting a foot square from discus, angels and driving away a 6 inch L33 amongst others when necessary, so assuming a spawning dwarf will only protect a small area isn't always correct. I think you can really pack in the fish if it's one species, but mixing them like this isn't, for me, a great idea. I've done 2 species in the past, and looking back I don't that was so bad, but I can't imagine any more, and certainly not 5 or 6.
The keyholes should be an ok mix with this, but the dorsigera is a bit hit and miss too. Assuming this is go in with the discus, I would go for a pair of the best apistos I could get, plus an exotic Lnumber of some nature, and try to breed out the apistos at a later date.