dwarf crays..


Medium Fish
Jan 13, 2008
im reseting up my 10g to do a crayfish tank, which makes your tank awsome. dont think ill be breeding them, but i kind of want one in a tank with maybe a few smaller fish.

really like the set up...and i have a few questions:
whats the white thing with the green stripes?
also what size gravel/how much should i use?
will they eat plants if i decide to put a couple in there?

Jul 19, 2007
thanks guys!
They are dwarf crays, mine dont get bigger than 1.5in and I believe they top out at 2in
They dont eat plants, and currently I have decided to put them in with my shrimp, which when they are well fed, they will leave alone. I usually like to put sinking pellets for the crays and shrimp to eat, I take out baby crays and raise them myself, bc I have had no luck finding them again in the tank. I use eco complete gravel, if you are planning to grow plants- which is my favorite thus far, and I have had them all. For a 20gal, I used a whole bag of eco complete. The "white thing with green stripes" was a piece of filter I tossed into that tank and the green stuff is actually moss that has attached itself