Eheim 2213 Canister


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I just bought this from Freshwater and Saltwater Aquarium Supplies at It will be used in my 55 gallon brackish in addition to my Marineland Penguin 350 biowheel.

Anyone out here used this filter?? I haven't ever used a canister filter so I'm pretty excited to implement it. Is it easy to setup & get going?

How about the filter medium, can you do DIY or do you need to purchase directly from eheim?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The 2213 is among Eheim's most popular filter. It's been out for years, but because it's such a great filter, they keep on making and selling it. Cannisters are a little different in that you essentially set it up and only do maintenance on it about 2-4x per year depending upon the application. Most of the time, you'll only need to clean the coarse filter pad and replace the fine filter pad (keep the fine filter pads on hand). While you can use any media, I do recommend the Ehiem's media as suggested in the product description (Ehfimech and Ehfisubstrat). You probably won't ever need to change the media. Aquarium Biological Filter Media


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Good grief, there's 15 types of biological mediums there alone! How do you know which to pick? (please say the $8.99 one is the best :))

I'll be doing some reading I guess when this gets here. I'm excited cos it also gives me an excuse to do some much needed rearranging/redecorating of the tank, too, to implement the additional pipes/feeds/ etc. etc. I might decorate it like a mangrove beach - with some mangroves, some new driftwood, lots of lush yet FAKE FAKE FAKE plants (had to get THAT in there Avalon ;)) and for the back I got a nifty idea to take some fish net (the twine stuff you can buy at craft stores), tape this on the back, then put a black background (*cough* hefty bag*) behind that....

I'll be posting this in Rate My Tank next week!


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
ok, I got the thing delivered today. For the life of me I cannot figure out which pipe to hook where. Does anyone out there have a photo example of how to do this? The included instructions are very brief and not that easy to understand....


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Did you get it hooked up ok? Personally I love the classic series. I have a second hand 2213 that's gotta be pushin 17 or 18 years old with the original impeller/shaft assembly and O-ring. Also have another second hand 2211 that I've had 12 years, liked it so much I went and bought another one ;).

I DIY all my filter media for them. That's what I love about them, extremely versitile (sp?).



MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I cannot get it to "prime". The intake pipe that it comes with is just the thick, flexible pipe that you twist a strainer onto and attach it to the walls with suction cups (which is frustrating in itself, because it just wants to curl and then the suction cups cannot hold it to the wall.)

I ordered a better intake pipe that has a primer on it so I'm waiting for that to get here & then I'll get it up and running :)


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Yeah for sure! I take it they don't come with the hard plastic J-tube anymore eh? There's a few ways to prime them but I like your's the best ;). Let me know how it goes. I've thought about that upgrade a few times, never did get it though.



MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I'm so sorry, I didn't think about the way the Eheim filters worked, but if you were going to get one of those sets it might have worked out better for the return water. I'm not sure though. Really if you just keep pouring water in the intake till it comes up the return water it should prime either way really. It might not hurt to tilt the filter to help any trapped air escape. :eek:


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I've tilted it and watched the air go right up to the outtake bar...still no suction. :( and there are no kinks anywhere either. I'm gonna get a good nights sleep and then tackle this again in the morning.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey Kelly I have two Eheims, if you want to give me a call or whatever we can see if we can get it going :) My worst problem with them has been accidentally hooking the wrong hose to the wrong spot on the filter...every once in awhile I'll be cussing and wondering what the heck and then it dawns on me to swap them. lol


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Froggy - you were right on - I did have the hoses hooked up wrong! Just for clarification, INTAKE tube goes on the top, OUTAKE goes on the bottom...right?

So, I have them corrected (and got a nice flush of water all over my carpet when I took the bottom hose off ha ha)

Now, the INTAKE tube seems to be sucking water and the tube is full, but the OUTAKE tube is only about halfway full and doesn't seem to be gaining any momentum. Does it take a few minutes to build it up?

And another clarification, the tubes flow things need to be perpendicular to the hose, to be open, right? When they are twisted away from the tube that's when it's closed off?

*Sigh* I just want it to work.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think you might have it backwards, the shutoff should be in line with the hose for it to be if you have the filter plugged in and the canister is filled with water, you slowly put the lid on by pulling the handle up, the hoses both open then it should go....

edit wait. lol I think you meant paralell not perpendicular :D In which case you'd be right. the way I picture it is that if the little shutoff handle is in line with the hose then its open.

edit again... ok I'm a big dork. I have two eheim ecco filters which are the same brand, whole different animal. BUT I googled for you and found this on Tropical Fish Centre - Eheim Filters
"Next is the priming of the filter, which a lot of people have trouble with. Assuming that the filter is empty and clean, make sure that the outlet pipe is completely free from any water as this will stop the priming of the filter. (Even if there is water in that bit of pipe that goes into the tank, you know the bit that has the U bend in). Now leave off the outlet pipe which comes off the filter box and with all taps on (if taps are fitted) give the outlet a good suck, (a spare piece of pipe helps with this). Then when you hear that the water is flowing into the filter box, you can put the outlet pipe back on. Depending on the size of the filter you should have plenty of time to get that pipe back on, so don’t panic about it.
Another thing that could cause a problem, is the gunk that builds up in the pipe. When you see that your green pipes are black inside, pull them off when doing the next filter clean and pull a long pipe cleaner through them. Doing this will keep the flow rate up.
Keeping that Blue filter sponge clean also helps, as when this gets clogged it draws air in and makes the filter hiss.
When you have started up your filter there will be, for a while a hissing noise from the pump. To clear this, give it a rock to and fro as this will allow the air to be released from the filter.
Hope this will help, as all these things that I have written, all work for me and others that I have told about them."
So I guess I would try that! :D

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MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I took it all apart and I took a break from it for the night. Today I'm going to do some much needed algea scrubbing/sand vacuuming and a water change and give it another go....from scratch. Thanks for the pep talk yesterday :)

I shall conquer!*SUNSMILE*


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Well, after some investigation (and help via PM pics back and forth with Chris A...thank you!!!!!) it appears that my problem is that one of the clips on top was damaged. I ordered new ones online a couple days ago, so I'm hoping that the suction problem is because one of the four top clamps was broken. When the unit got here, one of the clips was missing a pin and was just kinda floating around in the packaging. I didin't think much of it until I mentioned it to Chris and he said "that's it!!!"

I gotta say, tho, I'm not all that impressed with eheim's customer service :( I emailed them several days ago ( a week+?) and no response at all....and I even mentioned the missing pin clip.

I can't wait til the new ones get here and I can actually see if this is the problem - and get this thing up and running!!!!*crazysmil


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I'm glad you got it figured out, Kelly! I've been following your thread the last few days because I just got a used Eheim 2215. I found the online manual to be severely lacking. I agree, Eheim doesn't seem to value customer service. The kid I got it from couldn't get it to work, but I noticed he had it hooked up all wrong, and it had three clips with missing pins. The hubby repaired that, and I have it all put together, but haven't tried it yet. (Hey, it was free.... Worth a try, right?)
I'm interested to know what you think of it. Also, -- forgive me if I missed this part -- what sort of media did you end up running in it?


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I'm just using the stuff that same with it (minus the carbon pad).

The clips came yesterday...


Sigh...I guess I should tackle it. I just am not looking forward to digging into it again if this doesn't work...