electric yellow chilchid

Jan 24, 2006
i can get warm water from the tap but i dont kno the condition,(the only tester i have is the ph and the nitrate but i lost the color strip thing for the nitrate)but i cant get warm water from the filter cause it messes up the cartridge. what im gonna try to do is buy some more rocks, or find some.
my ph is 7.0 my nitrite is the color of my writing

Jan 24, 2006
ok so i got a new tank, i think its a 40gal, i got it from a friend stand and everything. i got some new stuff in petland too ill get pics tumaro of it cause the water is really clowdy from the crushed coral. can sombody answer befor the end of the night, i want to kno if the fish can go in there while the water is really clowdy?


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
You are going to have to cycle the new tank. Cichlids need really clean water, so I wouldn't really recommend using them to cycle or they will probably die. You can use some of the filter media from your old tank to 'seed' your new tank (squeeze it into your tank water) or even use some of the gravel (you can put it in panty hose so it doesn't mix with the coral).

When you do DO move them - with the crushed coral in the 40, the Ph is likely to be different between the tanks, so you will need to acclimate the fish, just like you would if you just bought them.

Jan 24, 2006
what do you mean by using them to cycle it?how much time does it need to cycle?the filter i had in the other tank im using it on the 40 to put 2 filters to make the process faster, is this good?befor i put the chilchids in the tank they are in, i had it in my tropical tank and i moved them to that tank because i was told they are too agressive and they are fine.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
So you've already moved them into the 40 and you are running a new filter and the filter from your 30? Did I get that right? Normally that would be great except you will need to put the filter back on the 30. I would use the 'seeding' method that I described above - this will cut down on some of the cycling time, which can take several weeks normally. You can do a fish-in cycle (which is what I meant when I said 'use them to cycle' or a fishless cycle. Since it sounds like you already put them in the tank, you will be doing a fish-in cycle.

I recommend reading some of the stickies on this forum regarding cycling. You should also get yourself some ammonia/nitrite/nitrate test kits so you can monitor the water parameters.

Can you take some of the filter media out of the filter from your 30 and put it in the new filter? What kind of filters are you using?

Jan 24, 2006
no i havent put them in. the 30 is my tropical tank they are not in there i moved them to a 15. the filter that was on the 15 i put it on the 40 with the other filter. the fish are still in the 15 just with the bubbler on. the filter that was on the 15 is a whisper, and teh filter on the 40 i dont kno because my friend gave me the whole thing and i dont kno the brand. sorry you were confused,if you still are feel free to ask.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
No, thanks for clearing that up - I missed where it had the info on the 15gal in your sig. (I'm a little tired).

You should seriously do some reading up on cycling - it's the most important part of fishkeeping. What I would do, is leave the 40 alone for now (I know it's tempting not too) and put both filters on the 15 (where the fish are - don't move them yet). This will give the new filter a chance to build up some beneficial bacteria. You should still use the seeding method - sqeeze your filter media from the 30, which is more established, into the 15. Wait a few weeks, while monitoring water parameters then move fish and filter over to the 40.

Jan 24, 2006
couldnt resist.i put half the water from my 15 to the 40 and left it over night to let the clowdyness go away(crushed coral is a pain in the a$$).this mourning it was very clean and set it up and here it is:

dont mind the carebears bookbag thats my sisters,and the bird cage thats my other sisters.



labs were too hard to get a nice pic.
what you think???

zoo minsi

Large Fish
Jan 8, 2005
Visit site
i had 6 in a 55gal and when they started to mature problems began, they will sart on one and terrorize him to death thenmove on thill theres one or 2 left. i like em alot but they can be a pain in the butt. plus they will start digging the tank up. Nice looking fish and tank.

In a 40gl tank you can get away with a few more of each but make sure they are of the same species. This will keep things uncomplicated. You could go for 1 of each color (since there are reds, blues, yellows, oranges, purples, etc.) but this type of show tank would be more effective if you stuck to only males of each species you chose and right now sexing would be almost impossible.
I wouldn't exceed 4 of each....actually, I quite encourage you to get 4 of each but not untill you're done with your cycling. This will help cut down on targeted aggression though you should remember to provide enough hiding places and possibly try separating territories by spacing one 2 or 3 piles of rock a few inches from eachother.
I also encourage you find your own rocks (if you can find them in your area) than buy them. Paying money for rocks of all things is something I simpy can't fathom :p . Perhaps if you wanted a certain look and/or had a particular taste for rock like Texas Holey or feather rock then by all means if you can afford it.
To prevent from introducing any nasties into your tank do a vinegar test (drop some vinegar on a rock and if it fizzles don't use it) and clean/scrub/boil rocks before you use them in your aquarium.

Sorry about MSN Messenger, can't use it on this comp. :(

Edit: Forgot about cleaners. For now I wouldn't worry about it. Many plecs put out more waste than they're worth as "cleaners" and commons get too big for a 40gl. Shrimp will be eaten, crays can be eaten or can kill your fish. An apple snail might be ok. I've had success keeping Malawi's and snails together but others have reported their snails losing their eyes due to curious mbuna or being killed and eaten by them. They also need to be prevented from being sucked into the filter's intake. Filter sponge tied over the intake works well but it's unsightly.
IMO if you really have a bad algae problem down the road or just want some type of plec that badly get a bushynose. Most species stay within the 4-6" range and are effective algae eaters.
Otherwise "cleaners" are simpy not necessary. Your fish should not be fed so much that there has to be some other fish in there to eat any leftovers and IMO these "cleaners" often go mistreated and misfed thinking they can live well enough off the leftovers of the tank's primary inhabitants. Any "cleaners" and bottomdwellers should be cared for, fed properly and be kept healthy as well as any prized show fish when in your care.

Last edited:
Jan 24, 2006
thnk you very much. it looks like you think my water will be hard enough,thats good,i had concerns. thank you for the help and ill keep you posted of how the tank goes.

fishlover1 said:
thnk you very much. it looks like you think my water will be hard enough,thats good,i had concerns.
Well...you should. I don't assume your water will be hard enough, I assume you'll find out by testing your water. A calcium based buffer only does so much depending on the hardness. If the pH is decent but the hardness is low your pH can fluctuate. Not good. Stable params that are slightly askew are much better than "perfect" params that contantly fluctuate. Any rapid changes in water chemistry can severely stress your fish. :)

Jan 24, 2006
ok so i go all the testers and rebought the ph cause it was gone.($36) here are the results:

ph:eek:ver 7.6 or exactly 7.6
kh:uhmm i put 7 drops so i guess its 125.3ppm
gh:it never turned orange i put 17 drops and no orange so its very high or i did it wrong.

i see the kh has to be higher, but i just started the tank so will it rise?


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
ok so today completed a week and all 3 fishes are fine. my powder blue chichlid is the most agressive he owns the tank. this mourning i did a 25 to 30% water change. heres the thing my sink has a filter and that water should be free of any harm like amonia,nitrate,nitrite,and chlorine but its neutral so i put a full pot of that water then a full pot of my basic tap water. this should be fine right?
i also added a clay pot and another rock to the tank.