I suppose it's time for a picture update...
15 gallon w/o flash
Then with flash... b/c a lot of the algae distorts the colors, etc... I have no more otos to clean off the diatoms... so I'll just have to do it by hand until it sorts itself out... I've got the magnet to clean the front and sides.... but I've got to use my algae scrubber for the back. : |
Plants I've got: Alternathera reineckii, Dwarf Hairgrass, Italian Val (it's still recovering from the H202 treatment to get rid of the bba while in the 10 gallon), Aponogeton crispus(?), banana plant, dwarf sag. On driftwood; anubias nana, java moss, purple waffle (non aquatic, but has been surviving and putting out lots of new leaves... doesn't have roots in water... all others that had roots in water died... let's see how long this one can keep going).
10 gallon
It has no inhabitants. I've got 2 HOB filters running in it at the time, enough for 30 gallons.
Plants I've got: glosso, javamoss on driftwood (left), anubias nana and javamoss on driftwood (right). There's a bit of hc from the 20 gallon that kept getting uprooted, as well as a small dwarf sag offshoot from the 15 gallon that was uprooted.
After the glosso settles in, and the tank finishes re-cycling (ok, it already has, but the glosso needs to settle), and there's no risk of it getting uprooted by the cories, I'll put the peppered cories in here, and probably the female betta, b/c she keeps living in hiding in the 15 gallon.
Also, the 10 gallon is going to be open top now. I've got a 40 watt 'daylight' flourescent bulb on that clip-on lamp. I'm going to make a 'custom edge' to place the lamp higher... and so i won't keep risking breaking the glass by clipping it there...
15 gallon w/o flash
Then with flash... b/c a lot of the algae distorts the colors, etc... I have no more otos to clean off the diatoms... so I'll just have to do it by hand until it sorts itself out... I've got the magnet to clean the front and sides.... but I've got to use my algae scrubber for the back. : |
Plants I've got: Alternathera reineckii, Dwarf Hairgrass, Italian Val (it's still recovering from the H202 treatment to get rid of the bba while in the 10 gallon), Aponogeton crispus(?), banana plant, dwarf sag. On driftwood; anubias nana, java moss, purple waffle (non aquatic, but has been surviving and putting out lots of new leaves... doesn't have roots in water... all others that had roots in water died... let's see how long this one can keep going).
10 gallon
It has no inhabitants. I've got 2 HOB filters running in it at the time, enough for 30 gallons.
Plants I've got: glosso, javamoss on driftwood (left), anubias nana and javamoss on driftwood (right). There's a bit of hc from the 20 gallon that kept getting uprooted, as well as a small dwarf sag offshoot from the 15 gallon that was uprooted.
After the glosso settles in, and the tank finishes re-cycling (ok, it already has, but the glosso needs to settle), and there's no risk of it getting uprooted by the cories, I'll put the peppered cories in here, and probably the female betta, b/c she keeps living in hiding in the 15 gallon.
Also, the 10 gallon is going to be open top now. I've got a 40 watt 'daylight' flourescent bulb on that clip-on lamp. I'm going to make a 'custom edge' to place the lamp higher... and so i won't keep risking breaking the glass by clipping it there...