Epic fail! And I'm *still* not sure how/why

Oh goodness how lucky are you! I still have 2 years left of college :( and I am dreading the day I will have to try and move my two tanks (mostly the 36gal) to another state. You will have crazy huge fish! I think the portable tubs and air pumps is the only way to go...

I'd have to say that's the only downfall to aquariums is that don't exactly move very well..even for redecorating and moving it to another room.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
lol...this degree has been a LONG TIME coming. I started college in 2001 when I graduated from high school and went for two years...then life happened, I got married, had a kid, got divorced, and was trying to survive (all in about six years) when my parents called me and said "If you move back 'home' (meaning to my hometown where they live), we'll pay for everything and you can go back to school." I looked at couple of universities in the area, but the college I'm attending now offered me the quickest option to graduation. So, I should be doing my student teaching this fall. I'm excited, but nervous at the same time!

OH! Got some pics of Kyron, the horseface loach! :D He is more active than most of the sites I researched horseface loaches on said he would be, but apparently that means he's comfortable with his environment! Wheee! I can't wait until he gets bigger and colors up some (he'll become a light tan with darker tan markings when he gets older/bigger).


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Well at least you have got it all together and are almost done! That sounds like quite the journey you have had in life and with fish tanks (lol!). I started in 2008 and am hoping all works out for 2012 -- psychology BA for me.

Kyron is adorable! I've never seen one of those. I had 4 Kuhli loaches, now only have 3. Tragic accident with the other. I named them Ickle me, Pickle me, Tickle me too (from Where the Sidewalks Ends of course!) Mine was really thrilled when I put sand into mine, moved them from eco-complete, to regular petco gravel, to sand and now they are ecstatic. So is he a transparent color? I love it he's too cute!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
His color changes. If he sees me, he goes transparent like in the pics, but if he doesn't see me at first, he'll be a nice light tan with slightly darker tan markings. I had never seen them or even heard of them before until I went into the LFS and there were several in their tanks. I went home and researched them and found that one would be compatible with my set up, so I ran back and bought him. He was pretty cheap, too (about $2.50). If I had a bigger tank, I'd get more, but they get to be 8", so one will do for now. Hopefully when I move to WA, I'll be able to get more since my friend and I are planning on getting a 125gal+ tank.

This is what he should look like when he's older:

OH! Added something to my stocking list. lol. I want some sort of algae eater (even though I have bottom feeders galore), but I don't want otos. So, I was poking around and ran across the pitbull pleco. They only get to be 2" long! They're almost like otos...only not! lol
Parotocinclus jumbo • Loricariidae • Cat-eLog • PlanetCatfish


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
They're so cute! Found a place two hours south of me that carries them for $8 each (same as a BN pleco), so when I go down next month for a wedding, I'm going to pick one up (at the same place I'll probably get my angelfish at).


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I wrote that one into my list of potentials for my next tank. I love the pleco but he is going to get huge......I have a home lined up for him but he is too small for them still.

I have seen other small pleco but never liked any of them. He this guy.....this guy looks like a little pleco!

Those are going to be very big! I love them though, I love weird looking fish :D That is way cheap, I think I found my Kuhli's for about 3 bucks. I definitely need to get an algae eater, I actually just want a Banjo Catfish they are freaking adorable and I don't care what he eats haha. My only bottom feeders besides invertebrates are the fake Julii Corydoras.

I really like that pleco, I actually can never find plecos anywhere here. I'd love to though and ordering online = s&h of 40 bucks, so no thanks. He will fit in perfectly though!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I like my BN pleco in the 29gal, even though she's a bit of a bull in a china shop with my water wisteria (it doesn't have a very good root system yet). I just don't have much room (bio-load-wise) in the 55gal and I wanted an algae eater, but not more otos (I have five in the 29gal). I love otos, but I prefer to only have them in one tank at a time.

riseabovethesun-Yeah, he'll get to be about as big as my featherfin cat.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Some more pics of my betta girls, including my newest betta girl, Victoria. She's flame orange.

Victoria in her cup (really shows her color):

Victoria introduced into the family:

"Who are you?" Esme says:

"Follow me!"

"Okay, maybe not...you're boring!"

Esme's colors really coming out (the other girl named Esme passed away on Thursday, probably due to old age, so the new girl became Esme):



Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Alrighty...slight update. I added two more sword plants and...I'm a VERY bad person. When I was in Petsmart getting my swords and had to walk past the angels to get there. Annnnd their angels were bigger than any they've had before (close to half-dollar size! :eek: )! Annnnd they had some BEAUTIFUL altum-types. So, I was bad and bought one. I was going to drip acclimate him, but my butter fingers decided that he shouldn't be acclimated properly because I dropped the bag just as I got the rubberband off and the bag went splat. Of course my angel couldn't stay in the bag, he had to flop out onto the carpet, so I had to scoop him up and toss him into the 55gal. He's doing great though (after a few moments of swimming on his side).

So, here's the 55gal with the two new swords (they're the massive things behind the piece of driftwood on the left):

And here's my angel:



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Beautiful Angel! Just a note: In my reading under the "Sticky's" on this forum is a play by play of someone moving fish 3000 miles. If you haven't read it, you might want to add it too your general notes on moving ideas.