False Perc Issues...Move or Let Them Be....?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay final word......leave them be, they are sorting out their sexual issues and will be fine. Just make sure you have hiding and areas that the smaller can escape to if necessary. By chance is the smaller one sort of shimmying on his side as this is a classic submissive act by the male to the dominant female. I DO NOT suggest adding any other clowns as 2 is maximum in a tank of this size. I have 4 clowns, 2 ocellaris/percs in the 75g who were added at different times, the smaller male was picked on at first by the larger female but they now spend all their time together. The 2 clarkiis on the other hand were added and never have sorted out issues, they avoid each other for the most part but survive in a 29g together.....


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Matthew good luck with these, I am sure they will be fine, just make sure you have some hiding spots in your live rock such as caves etc so he has a place to take refuge if necessary. Some females tend to be very aggressive and bullies......Maroons and clarkiis are really bad but percs and ocellaris are usually okay......

Jun 29, 2008
thanks for your help, Lorna.

Yesterday the smaller perc hid behind the intank of my filter (although the larger perc could chase him if she wanted). no chasing occured.

today the smaller perc is swimming around the tank and i have even seen him swim with the larger perc a few times. no chasing (fingers crossed)

everyone is eating and no significabt aggression while searching for food.

i am hoping that the worst is over.

Jun 29, 2008
UPDATE: The harassment started again tonight. I decided enough was enough and separted the pair. The larger perc is in my 50g tank and seems to be swimming around without any issues.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
This behavior is completely normal for clown fish to establish dominance. It is only temporary, but now that they are seperated, you most likely will not be able to keep them together. As Lorna stated, you will likely have 2 females which will fight to the death if in the same tank. You will notice this "bullying" again if you try to pair your clowns with a new mate.

Jun 29, 2008
the fish were together at the LFS for 6 weeks so hopefully that dominance would have been established. the harassment continued for another 2 weeks in my tank.

I know that the fish are 'divorced' now but literally overnight the smaller perc has turned into a different fish. this fish is swimming around the tank, playing in the powerhead, and just a lot happier.

the larger perc is enjoying his new home and swimming around the larger tank.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ahhh well, you can of course pair them up with new mates.......just make sure that the mate you pick is much much smaller and juvenile when you add it......just know that when alone they will become female.....and no turning back so any additions must be juvenile very very small.....and you should be okay. I have remated my percs twice.....and the pair I have now did have issues in the beginning...( I think probably because I think I have a large true perc female and a smaller male ocellaris) they get along famously now.....have not spawned but I believe they are two different species......but they live happily together and are never apart.

Jun 29, 2008
thanks for the support and 'future' information, Lorna! I knew that once I caught the big one there was no turning back.

i am happy that the smaller perc appears to be a lot happier. i may try and find a smaller perc in the future but at this point just want to make sure everyone is eating and stays healthy!! thanks for your help!!