How about one on forum etiquette like search the forum for your answer, etc...also one on all the abbreviations we use here..I know I had no clue what LFS was for the longest time..LOL!!!
Here are some more rules used on another forum:
1. There are a lot of people posting on this (and our other) boards. Please do take the time to check and see if your question hasn't been answered before. There are a lot of patient and knowledgable people here, but even they get tired of hearing the same questions over and over.
2. Try refraining from using all caps. Using caps is considered shouting, affects the readability of the post, and is, by most, considered to be rude and/or obnoxious.
3. Please post your question on the appropriate board. We have several boards, each covering its own topic. Posts that don't belong on one board might be deleted.
9. Please do enjoy the site! We try to offer a place where knowledge can be exchanged. We all started somewhere, and if no one had helped us, we wouldn't know what we know today. Information should be free, and remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question.
the numbers are out of order because I cute & pasted them from a forum that has nothing to do with fish...
hope this helps